
What's your opinion on co-sleeping?

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My 3 month old takes naps in her crib, but at night sleeps best next to us. I'm trying to ween her and help her sleep in her crib better. However, I am conflicted because she seems so content with us. At the same time, I want her to be safe and most people say crib is best. What's your opinion?




  1. Whatever works best for you. I am not comfortable co-sleeping over night but my daughter and I have had day time naps together since she was born. I feel like overnight between my husband and I and the blankets she might get a bit "lost". I also don't sleep properly with her in the bed and neither does she.

    As long as you are happy with the arrangements and confident that your daughter is safe I think it is fine

  2. Co-sleeping is the NORMAL WORLD standard. It is how we've slept for thousands and thousands of years.

    Most recent studies on co-sleeping are flawed because they counted things like sleeping on a couch together (UNSAFE) and people who were affected by medication, drugs, or who were grossly overweight, all of which are not safe for co-sleeping.

    Dr James McKenna of Notre Dame University has done a huge study on co-sleeping (which includes sharing a bed, and sharing the same room, though the benefits of sharing a bed are very specific) and he has written a book which outlines his results. Co-sleeping is absolutely safe if basic measures are looked after, and indeed mothers sleep more and more soundly, as do babies.

    Why are you trying to wean a babe of three months? The world health organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months... see

  3. i love sleeping with my daughter. it eases me to know that she is doing ok and i can feel her breathing.

    but when in her bassinette i wake up just to make sure she is asleep and is doing fine. and she does sleep better with us. she sleeps longer also.

    i dont see what the big deal is its not wrong or nething. they just get closer and is hard to wean them off of it.

    they say that its also good cuz the baby follows your breathing rythm

  4. It's really not safe. So many babies die each year, even with the whole set up. How about this. Buy a co-sleeper at babies-r-us or wal-mat. Your baby will be RIGHT next to you, but she'll be a million times safer. In the morning, you can bring her into your bed, like for the first 10 minutes you're  waking up.  

  5. My son has been on and off co-sleeping with me. He slept perfectly fine as a newborn in his own bed in our room. Only recently he has been waking up really upset in his own bed, and if I put him to sleep and then put him in his bed in our room he only really lasts a couple of hours at the most and then wakes up crying again, whether I am in the same room or not. I think its mainly to do with teething.

    I see no problem with it. I am aware that he is next to me, and whilst I used to a be a restless sleeper, rolling over all the time and such, I know find I am quite still, and whenever I change my position in the bed I open an eye to see where my son is. We only have a queen so a co-sleeping bed in the middle isn't really an option as it wouldn't fit. But if my son makes any noises I am awake straight away anyways.

    I find it is great, I generally sleep well, my son sleeps like a champion in bed with us, and its so much more convenient. If its what works for you and yours, I say just stick with it. I love having him close to me at night. It did take a bit to get used to how to sleep with him as he takes up more room than I thought, but we are going well with it now.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.  

  6. My opinion is that co sleeping is a bad idea, I mean you never know you could roll on them or ur spouse could roll on them because men are less aware of the baby then mothers are. Also causes problems when they are older like wanting to sleep with you for ever! My cousin is 12 and just now will sleep in her own bed but my aunt has to lay with her until she goes to sleep. My kids have never slept with me unless they were sick and they go right back to there bed when they fall asleep. I also like my room in my bed I like to be able to sleep comfortably. Also if you have a kid in your bed when is there alone time for you and your hubby?  

  7. My opinion is if you don't want a baby sleeping with you, you should never allow it in the first place.  It sends mixed messages to the baby.  It is like your saying, "okay baby you can sleep with me now b/c it is convinent for me."  I personally don't want Emma or any other baby sleeping with me and my husband.  If he worked midnights I might would consider it.

  8. what you are doing is actually called "co-bedding". co-sleeping is when the baby sleeps in the same room with you only. the longer you co-bed the harder it will be to transition at a later time. maybe you should start with the baby sleeping in her crib in your room and then slowly transition her to sleeping in the nursery. my plan is to start our baby out in his/her own bed in the nursery and see how that will work.

  9. If anyone were to think about it for more than a minute, they'd realise that a baby is naturally supposed to sleep right next to their mom.

    Cribs are not best - they are not natural.

    Babies are not supposed to sleep alone, let alone in a whole different room that their mother.

    There are many many reasons to co-sleep, some listed here --

    Apart from that, it's just really NICE to have your baby sleep right next to you.

    Don't feel you have to move her out of your bed, there is no good reason to.

  10. im the same way. my son is 3 and he still sleeps in bed with me. i know this is bad, but i feel more secure with him there.

  11. My it, love it, love it! :)

    Co-sleeping has kept me sane, keeps my babies close and i feel secure knowing i am right there if they need me.

    I breastfeed, so it makes life easier just to roll over and feed as opposed to getting up and fully waking up.

    If you co-sleep safely, then it's wonderful. I have also found co-sleeping great for bonding, especially now with my 2nd child, as it's the only time we really get one on one time together.

    Edit...and people who say 'they'll be in your bed till their teenagers'...pftt to daughter co-slept/co-bedded till she was over 12 months and now at 3, sleeps perfectly fine in her own room/bed, has done for ages.

  12. My son is 9 months old.  We co-sleep and we have since day one.  If that's what works best for your family, why stop?

    As long as you are co-sleeping safely, there's no harm done.  

    I plan on co-sleeping with my son until he's around 2 years old or so.  When he's big enough to get up and come get me if something's wrong.  :)

  13. Co sleeping is perfectly safe if done right and mom and baby tend to sleep better. In most other countries co sleeping is VERY common.

    Never sleep with baby if you have been drinking alcohol or are taking medication.

    There are co sleepers available to protect baby from roll overs but you will find you are very aware of baby and where she is.

  14. I am sorry, but I think co-sleeping is terribly dangerous.  I loved having my baby snuggled up next to us, too, but the dangers of rolling over on him or even the baby suffocating due to all the bedding in a grownup bed are just too real.  Several babies have died in my tristate area due to this.  And if your baby doesn't suffocate or anything terrible, then you'll still have a mess on your hands because they'll NEVER want to sleep on their own.  Making a 4 yr old sleep alone is harder than making an infant sleep alone.  Use the crib.  Be firm about your stance on it and she'll get used to it.  If a baby knows nothing more than the crib, it won't be discontent with anything else.

  15. I think it is fine.  Parents have the right to choose what is best for them and their child.  I co-sleep with my daughter. I like it.  It makes us a very close family.   If your daughter is happy, and you are happy and your husband is happy with it then there is no reason to stop.  Co-sleeping is very safe as long as you are careful about the pillows and blankets,  I used a very flat pillow for the first few months and never put the blanket above my waist.  And just be careful, if you or your husband has been taking cold medicine or drinking alcohol you should put her in her crib for the night, just to be on the safe side.  But generally,from what I have read, co-sleeping is very safe and can keep both babies and parents very happy.

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