
What's your opinion on newfoundland?

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alright, newfoundland's great

best place in the world

I've been here for my whole life (14 years)

and I'm never moving

It's gorgeous here, and almost everyone's super friendly

We have a full weather scale with a harsh winter and a nice warm summer

We also have deece schools

oh, not to mention awesome slang:

"oh yes by', get out on da quads now da once"

I dare you to try to decipher that, just try

So, I'm wondering:

a) What are some newfoundland stereotypes you've heard of?

b) What's your opinion on newfoundland?

c) Would you ever consider visiting/moving here?




  1. I LOVE Newfoundland. My dad and majority of his family grew up there. When I was 10 he took me to visit all over the Atlantic and I literally fell in love with the scenery, the people and the way of life.

    I think the "stereotypes" that I've heard is mostly just about the people being stupid and drunk. Even if they were, I'd still leave my heart on the Rock.

    Yes, I would most definitely consider moving myself and my family there!

    You live in a beautiful place, if peoples comments are rude, ignore them. I think you are lucky.

  2. Wow, the people before me are quite the unhappy bunch.

    Before I met my wife, a goofy Newfie from Springdale, I had never really heard of Newfoundland. I mean, I heard of it, but had no clue where on the map it was. Since then, I have become quite in love with the beautiful island and plan to retire there in 15 years. As far as stereotypes, just the usual from the rest of Canada like you are the Pollacks of Canada. Mostly, I have heard that from Newfies. I heard a great joke about this...

    A Newfie was in Toronto for a business meeting. He was socializing with some peers who were not aware that he was a Newfie and were cracking a few jokes about how Newfies are stupid. He jested a laugh and said, "I've got one. Do any of you know how Newfie women have babys." With smiles of anticipation, all of them shook their heads 'no.' With that the Newfie replied, "And you thought Newfies were stupid!"

    My opinion of NL is it is the most beautiful and friendly place I have ever been to, and I have been to many places all over the world. I can't wait to become a Newfie myself!

    My wife and I are actually having our wedding ceremony on August 22 in Springdale. We had to get married here in the US for her Green Card first so our actual ceremony will be in Newfoundland and I couldn't be happier!

    We will be coming back every year for a minimum of 3 weeks. We will be there for the entire month of August this year and plan to return for Christmas.

    Anyway, I love Newfoundland and am envious of you, but only for the next 15 years!

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