
What's your opinion on the court's action in these cases?

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And what is your opinion on the parents' actions?




  1. okay so we let the courts do this.  Then what are you gonna do when someone in power decides that there are too many Johns running around or susans?  Or when some fundy judge decideds that the muslims can't name thier children some name that is an indicator of thier faith?

  2. Horrible thing to do to a new, helpless, voiceless human being.

    Yours sincerely,

    MoonUnit and Dweezle Zappa

  3. I think parents have an obligation to act within the best interest of their child....naming a child an unusual name is not really a problem but naming a child a name that can be used to ridicule ,cause embarrassment, or other wise cause a negative reaction to occur..than as a parent you are not acting within the best interest of your child..

    ..I think parents fail to realize they are more or less custodians of their children and not their "owners".....decisions they make for their child can and does have lasting effects on the child's whole life........the parents who named their daughter "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii "...was just having a bit of fun..but they either failed or didn't care to recognize as whose expense it would be..... nothing wrong with a having a sense of humor...but you really shouldn't make your child the butt end of a joke if you can keep from it....This is just my opinion

    This issue is like a double edge sword....on one hand it is unfair for this child ,who was clearly embarrassed by her name, to have to live with it until she reached adulthood to have it changed..but on the other..when you allow more government involvement into people's private lives where will it end ? ...  rulings such as this could lead to more... I do think in this instance,  the court acted in the best interest of the child where as the parents may not have...

    .this is really is a hard question to answer... This is an issue that shouldn't even be..if parents would take a little more time and give a little more thought on what impact something like this could have on their child.......the bottom line .... parents do not really "own" their child and to purposely cause a harm or cause a lasting negative impact on their wrong....if it isn't courts that step in to protect a child..than who will ? ...If the parents failed to do so..where does this leave the child?...

  4. i think people should be able to name their own children what ever they want.  who should decide what is right and wrong in a name,  that opens to many doors.   personally i think if a kid doesn't like their name, then when they become an adult they can change it themselves

  5. there are good and bad parents . we go with the good ones.

  6. The girl is named Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii... whoever named her that is sick and they weren't looking out for the child's best interest.  When you aren't looking out for your child's best interest that makes you a  bad parent.  So I agree with the court's decision.

    Childhood is painful for a lot of children.  When you're a kid you get picked on for so many different things, especially names.  Why would anyone sane and compassionate, as a parents, add more difficulty to it?

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