
What's your opinion on the news?

by  |  earlier

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I think the news on television should be changed. It only talks about bad things. And it influences people to do things.

For example, someone sees a story on suicide. They find out what suicide is, and the idea stays in their head. No one would be comitting suicide if they didn't know what it was.

Same with shootings and other acts like those.

What is your opinion?




  1. these days, the media industry has become more competitive and less objective because they're more interested in getting more vieweres/readers rather than getting out factual & positive stories.

    Enhancing this behaviour in the media is the fact that most people are attracted to negative things which don't happen in our little communties on a daily basis.

    Hearing a news story about corrupt free elections in Africa,for example, is not as interesting as hearing about a lunatic father who keeps his daughter prisoner for 24 years...

    The media will tell you that their aim of reporting negativie deeds of society is to help us change our ways, but i think most of us know that neative stories sell more & faster than do positive stories.

    that should tell you what kind of  a society we really are!

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