
What's your opinion on the privacy issues surrounding Google Street View

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Personally I only want to see town centres and city centres and maybe villages. But I certainly don't want to see housing estates and where people live being posted on the internet. I know that armed forces won't allow the front of their building to be photographed so why should someone have the right to photograph the front of mine?




  1. In all honesty it doesn't really bother me.  If someone wants a photo of my front door, for whatever reason, they only have to walk , or drive, past it.

  2. The whole UK is becoming a police state with cctv's everywhere

    surely our homes and gardens should be private

    councils will use the google street type of data to increase council tax

    It should be banned

  3. I say who really cares?

    The only people complaining about it, is people who have nothing better to do, you know those people who have no lives...

    So yeah....

  4. they have the right cuz they used a satellite.

    no joke, they used a f****n satellite.

  5. Well, I'm actually on there, I've seen myself (I saw the car, that's how I knew.)  I live in a city, but you know, it's not all that clear, and it's not like it's inside the houses.

    I guess my point is, the positives of having that technology are greater than the privacy concerns.  Though I do favor total privacy and no censorship, I do like street view.

    ^ Above poster, you're thinking of Google Earth, streetview is a bit more personal.

  6. i really like the idea, i think its fab but i can also see why some people are against it.  

  7. I find that they don't want the front of the buildings photographed the military. My word you can be on google earth get the exact location for the middle of the officers mess. I find that a huge security blupper myself. Think like this I get my hands on a few Cruise missiles and put them cooirdinates into them.  Oh and you can get cruise missiles for sale by the way on a Miltary arms dealers site. I noticed in fact they had a page before who they had sold what to over the last ten years. Crazist thing do is the name of the biggest buyer of items from this company. Was not a state or some rebel group. Believe it or not it was a doomday prophet from Texas. Now I would love to know what he needs all them weapons for. I don't know if he got the deliveries do, hopefully the ATF over there seized them before he got them .What would a Preacher need with ten stinger missiles anyway.  

  8. sue google.

  9. I don't want my house photographed for all and sundry to view on the internet. Just wait for all the cases of burglary to start popping up where the burglars have used Google to suss your house out.

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