
What's your opinion on the war in Iraq?

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Should we be there? Why or why not?




  1. i hate warr.

    PEACE!. <3

  2. Saddam at one point definitely had WMD's at one point so America had the right to be vigilant. We messed ourselves up a little bit because we thought we would go in there liberate everybody and everybody would cooperate.  Not the case. We (sorta) made the mess so we have to clean it up but when we do leave Iraq will be better off than we found it. Unfortunately Iran has become a nuisance and were going to have to take care of them eventually.

  3. I wish we had peace.  I wish we could all get along and live in harmony.  I must face the reality that unless the mindset of the world changes we will always continue to recreate the same dysfunction.  I have family members that are defending our country. I worry about them all the time.  I question why we are in Iraq, but never question the loyalty of the people that are defending our country.  I wish it was over in Iraq, but then I have the sick feeling we would be somewhere else fighting something more evil.  I pray for peace and a change of mindset of all human kind.  

  4. Consider how many civilians have died. How can they be better off after the killing of loved ones and the trauma of the war. I grew up in a post-war country. It is not pretty

  5. It has dragged on far to long. It looks like the last one our government got stuck in.

  6. Peace is a ideal that cannot be achieved, besides we are already in the war we cant just back out , we should finish it or make peace treaty's that will satisfy the needs of the people over there, because think about it if you were in a country being invaded by one of the most powerful country's wouldn't you be angry

  7. A good question not being given enough attention anymore given the elections craze.

    When the leaders of Iraq themselves demand a deadline for troops withdrawal, and the military doesn't leave, nor does anyone make an effort to expedite troops removal, then you know the U.S. must have some ulterior motive to remain in Iraq. That's got to be wrong. First the U.S. turns Iraq into a host nation for the publicized "war" against terrorism, then the troops stay there INDEFINATELY, and with no clear goals?

  8. There is no path to peace. The path is peace.

    Destroying a whole country and murdering civilians for oil can not be justified in any way shape or form.  

  9. Iraq is just another Vietnam.

    War is not winnable.  NOBODY wins wars.  That is an old-world way of thinking that needs to change.

    Senator McCain, in his own book, said that if bombing targets in Vietnam had not been limited so much, they could have won the war.

    Do you want a President that thinks the way to "win" is to blow another country off the map?  I don't.

  10. It was started based on lies.

    The politicians talk about excessive government spending but the supporters of the war do not see the 10 billion dollars a monh spent on Iraq.That money is being borrowed. WE DO NOT HAVE THE 10 BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH THAT IS BEING SPENT. Your grand children and mine will be paying for this war after we are all dead and burried.

    Iraq is on the other side of the world. We could have left them alone, starting way back in the 1940's when they were messed with and Kuwait was split off from them by Brittian and the USA.

    Medical care for our men and women in uniform after being maimed in body and mind is a pathetic joke at Walter Reed Hospital.

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