
What's your opinion on this comment by Santiago Calatrava?

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"Mobility is implicit in the concept of strenght.........strenght is crystallized movement".

(Think about one of the bridges of Calatrava).




  1. I saw some of his work at the MET. Amazing!

    I think the best answer is visual. Take a look at his design for the future transit hub in NYC, or the Chords Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem or the Chicago Spire.

    Some have criticized him for some structural impracticality, but just as soon as I get a few million dollars I intend to seek out his talents.

  2. i think of the resting body of a human...its form is condensed energy, which is capable of both movement and strength.  Of course, even at rest it is not still, but only appears to be so.  In this way, it, too, is "crystallized movement," which is implicit and implied.

    i am Sirius

  3. I don't get it... I would figure that crystallized implies that it is static; unmoving.

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