
What's your opinion or Mr Jack Daniels?

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Friendly, or not?




  1. Depends how my day has gone,

  2. i think he shouldn't be abused.

  3. HAHAHA   Haz, that sounds strangely familiar except it was me+jd+1983 a little shaken and stirred and holy c**p!  a lot of prayer to the porcelain god!

  4. not to me. I prefer black russians!

    eh, that could well be a current event you know, hmm.

    edit: whicker man, my uncle was a whisky drinker, try bushmills. he much prefered Irish whiskey. He hated Bells, but liked grouse and teachers scotch.

  5. Unfriendly to me, our friendship couldn't last, or more to the point. I wouldn't.

  6. JD or Coke

    I'll take the coke ta

    coca colaaaa I mean

  7. I used to like his whiskey but i have gone right off it. Now i prefer Johnny Walker Black Label with cherry coke and ice

  8. If it's the one I'm thinking of, he's a d**n fine fellow, but has a tendency to kick your butt the next day ;o)

  9. Ooh JD + me + Ysatis perfume + 1988 = Violently ill in toilets in Brahms And Liszt pub, Ormskirk.


  10. decidedly not, he's leading young ladies astray, well i say lady in the broadest sense of the word  lololol xx

  11. I used to drink Jim Beam, a little more subtle than Jack Daniels

    Then I found Jamesons and believe Irish is far better than American and the vast majority of Scottish whisky  

  12. Too opaque.

    I don't get hangovers from vodka or Everclear (in reasonable quantities).

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