
What's your opinion? ttc

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My husband and I are ttc #1 (it's only been 2 months of trying) and my family keeps telling me that if I keep thinking, worrying or getting stressed about getting pregnant it'll never happen. I'm trying not to stress, but I'm really excited about getting pregnant and trying to "plan" it so I can deliver in May/June (I'm a teacher....). What are your thoughts, opions, experiences???




  1. It's so hard not to obsess about it!  But its also very hard to try and plan for it work exactly when you want it to.  Just have fun with it.  We are currently ttc as well and I know exactly what you mean with thinking about it.  It takes up so much of your thoughts and time.  I wish you luck!!  Baby dust!

  2. I'm a university teacher so summertime would be great for me too, but after 21 cycles of trying, I know that stress can certainly affect conception and trying to time it right simply won't work the way you hope it will!

    Personally I would:

    1) Tell your family to stop talking about it. I've struck a pretty good deal with my family members, whereby they shut up asking and I promise to tell them within 10 minutes of getting a BFP! After a few months you're going to get really tired of them asking and it does make the pressure considerably worse.

    2) Try not to worry about the time it's taking you. I gave up charting one month, because it was getting me so upset, and my luteal phase sky-rocketed from 10 days to 13 simply through lack of stress. Amazing! So now I only chart up until a confirmed ovulation, and then I don't take any more BBTs until 12dpo if there's no sign of AF coming.

    3) Finally, be sure to eat right, take multi-vitamins, and time BD around ovulation. It doesn't have to be every day, but begin BD  approx. every other day starting 18 days before your next period until 12 days before your next period. And any other time you feel like it too!

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