
What's your opinions on vegetarianism?

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be kind, i am one :D




  1. I think its awesome, (also one!)

    I have been more active, and have had better health altogether since switching to Vegetarianism!

    Some people say we look quote down un-quote on people who eat meat. That is most certainly not true. I don't look "down" on people who eat meat, considering almost ALL of my family does! I only have 2 freinds like me, but I dont look down on my other ones....

  2. I think vegetarianism is great. Nowadays, overconsumption of meat (especially with all of the hormones and stuff in it) is linked to so many different ailments. It's definitely healthier.

    It can also be a little bit exhausting having to explain to everybody why you choose not to eat meat (not exactly the "norm" of society) But that's just something we have to deal with!

  3. A balanced vegetarian or vegan diet is nutritionally adequate for all stages of life. Provided it is done properly, vegetarianism is not only a healthy option, but a compassionate choice too. Besides, vegetarian diets have much less negative impact on the environment.

  4. I am a vegetarian, and need to just say, that it sickens me that so many people are so hateful toward us because they think where all going to "prech" and "force it down your throat". NOT ALL OF US ARE LIKE THAT. YOU CANT JUST HATE A CERTIN GROUP OF PEOPLE BECAUSE OF WHAT A FEW PEOPLE DO. A FEW OUR OF THE MILLIONS THERE ARE.

  5. I think it's great:)

  6. I think vegetarianism doesn't go far enough.  The only truly compassionate, environmentalist, ethical choice is veganism.  Dairy cows are far more cruelly treated than beef cattle.  The dairy industry makes the veal industry not only possible but necessary.  Eventually, every dairy cow is slaughtered for food.  Usually when they are used up and broken down at the ripe old age of two.  There is just as much cruelty and suffering in a glass of milk or a slice of cheese as in a steak or a pork chop.

    Most so called "lacto-vegetarians" don't even realize that cheese is not a vegetarian food.  It contains rennet, which comes from the stomachs of baby cows.

    I think that most lacto ovo vegetarians are as divorced from the reality of where their food comes from as any omnivore on the street.

  7. its the best. it takes a very small person to eat an innocent animal

  8. Im not against it. You people support animals, which is something everyone should. Not to mention you expose the truth, like in fur and KFC. But it sickens me when you look down on us because we eat meat.

  9. I love vegetarianism and veg@nism! They are both things that really capture my interest and my heart!

  10. I think it's great! Good for your body, health, and inviornment. Many of them are awesome.

    I'm personally a vegan :D

  11. 1) Vegetarianism is my way of reciprocating of what mother nature has provided us. I believe not being able to contribute to the thousand of animal killings would make the environment a healthier place to live in. Almost all vegetarians know that the meat industry is taking a lot of "prospective" areas for the trees to grow and for the animals to live in but the industry is "industrializing" it for their profit.

    2) I dont feel guilty anymore for not eating meat. I am happier that I have chosen this path of not eating meat.

    3) Vegetarianism and veganism is not a diet or a kind of "tag" or "category" that someone needs to be in. It's a lifestyle.

    4) Vegetarianism has opened alot of possibilities. It has made me realized that its not "all meat". I mean, food is not only limited to meat. Everyone can live without meat. I think its pointless to say, "You're vegan, so what are you eating? Arent you starving?" Wtf? lol

  12. I do not understand the choice to not eat meat

    our bodies need the meat to be healthy

    I have never in my 50 years met a healthy happy energetic vegetarian they are usually thin bitter people who make others around them uncomfortable because we have to cook them something special

    I grew up on a farm so I am not disconnected as to where the meat comes from but

    are we not meat eating predators (pointy teeth in front the K9s) eyes in front like a hunter

    I think it is a noble attempt but most vegetarians eventually eat meat and end up loving it.

    animals eat each other a fact of nature

    Sorry if I hurt your feelings but you asked

  13. if people weren't so disconnected from the actual idea of the animal being eaten, more people would be vegetarian.

    congrats to you.

  14. I think vegetarianism is just fine - if that's what you believe in, or if it's necessary for medical reasons......It's vegetarians who preach to others, with no respect for anyone else's views, that I object to.  I even read on here about one vegetarian who was boasting about how she marched up to people in the grocery store and told them why they shouldn't buy things they had in their cart! .....

  15. If you wanna leave the animal issue totally alone, I do it because agricultural farming is one of the biggest causes of water pollution.

  16. i am glad there are so many vegetarians . it makes the price go down on cooked animals . yum yum .........

  17. Humans were designed to be omnivores, so if you decide to go vegetarian, you have to make sure you get enough protein. You won't get enough nutrition by eating nothing but salad, because our bodies are not like those of rabbits or guinea pigs. Instead, you have to eat meat substitutes like tofu, veggie burgers, rice, beans, and nuts.

    I am not a vegetarian, but I have no problem with people who are. I can understand why some people think it's gross to eat something that used to be a live animal.

    However, it really bugs me when vegetarians attack people for eating meat, or say that it's unhealthy, unnatural, unChristian, or the equivalent of murder or cannibalism; because it is none of those things.

    So, go ahead and be vegetarian if you want, just don't preach at me to become one too.

  18. i think its a great choice, :D

  19. It's a great beginning.

  20. I think it is fine. It helps many animals, the ecosystem and the environment. It makes vegetarians happy, and that is great. I am ont vegetarian, but don't eat a lot of meat. I don't like the thought of the animals being killed. But I can also defend eating animals. Many would die because there is an excess and they would starve without being slaughtered. I don't mind anybody's beliefs as long as they can keep it to themselves and aren't going to try to push them onto me. :]

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