
What's your outlook of life?

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What comes to mind when you think "life"...




  1. pointless

  2. At the moment, the only outlook in my life is called 'microsoft'.

  3. Life is a gift from God.  We must do the most out of it.  If you live by the grace of God you have always HOPE.

  4. Something we're all going through & need to stop complaining about. We all die eventually, we need to stop wasting the time & start doing something with our lives. Life is like a challenge God throws at you, if you get through it, good for you. You get a pat on the back.

  5. open, possibility, eternal, change, death, cycles, unanswered questions...

    EVERYTHING basically.

  6. This simple philosophy:

    **** happens.

  7. Sometimes I think it's a gift that I should be more appreciative of, and sometimes It seems like it's always a struggle.

    I guess we have to take the good with the bad.

  8. it's an empty container which has to be filled with things of your choices and actions.

  9. What is life so full of care

    No time to stand and stare.

    Man proposes, God in his time disposes

    Yet if the darkness

    leaves a vestige of the thoughts that once I had

    Better by far you should forget and be happy

    Than that you should remember and be sad.

    There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.

  10. one question comes up when i think of life.


  11. Oh, so may possibility its endless.. Basically everything I want for my life. Love, happiness, success, seeing the world. But not just that but how it's such a gift to just be alive and healthy, also how it can end so quickly. the list just goes on and on for me. lol.

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