
What's your overall opinion about MGS 4?

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I know that MGS 4 got crazy points on , but what's your personal opinion? Multiplayer - is it good? How much do you give it (on 10 grade scale)? I'm getting one today! :-)




  1. Overall: 10

    Multiplayer: 8

    The campaign is good but the online isn't even close to Call of Duty 4.

    You will enjoy it though.

  2. overall 10

    multiplayer 8

    overall is a GREAT GAME online's not BAD but it's not GREAT....but DEFINETELY WORTH IT...

  3. I am not getting one because it has modern soldiers based in modern places but there are flying dinosaurs and it's just not realistic.

  4. Good job on getting MGS4, it's an amazing game :)

    I'd personally give it a 10/10 for the single-player, and an 8.5/10 for the Multiplayer.

    The thing that's different about MGS4 from previous games is that they don't "force" you to use stealth all the time, you can always take the Rambo approach to complete levels, there are some parts where you'll have to sneak around, but even then, they're still fun.

    There a ton of weapons to choose from, I think about 70 total. Even though you won't use all of them, it's just fun to pick which ones are best suited for you if you know what I mean ( Best for me personally is the P90, Mosin Nagant, Stun nades, Mk 22, Stun Knife, M4, and Mk 23 Socom pistol)

    The gadgets you have are really cool, what would a stealth game be without cool gadgets? Octocamo is your main tool, you press against any surface and the suit will mimic the texture and color of it, making Snake harder to see

    The graphics are absolutely beautiful, I don't think you need any explanation. The sound effects are top-notch

    Now, I'm pretty sure you know about the long cutscenes; I thought the cutscenes were beautifully crafted, just very interesting to watch. If it really pains you to watch them, then you do have the option to skip them, though it softens the experience.

    The multiplayer isn't as great as, say, Call of Duty 4's, but it's still good. You do have your standard deathmatches, but the highlight for me is the Sneaking modes, where one person plays as Snake fully equipped with Octocamo and the rest are hunting for you ( objective is to collect 3 dog tags from the other soldiers, easier said than done)

    My only major gripe is that, creating a Game ID and Konami ID ( both are needed) takes VERY long.

    Oh yea, and the extras and emblems will keep you coming back. I don't know if MGS4 will ever get a trophy patch, but I hope it does

    Buy MGS4 today, I'm sure you won't regret it.

    EDIT: Mr. Everything, flying dinosaurs? What game were you playing? MGS4 doesn't have anything that looks remotely like dinosaurs

    Not realistic? Not realistic because Snake can get tired? Not realistic because your hand starts shaking if your stamina gets low?

    In case you didn't know, this is a dinosaur:

    And this is MGS4:

    Last time I checked, not all games have to be realistic to be fun. Ever heard of Elder Scrolls :Oblivion? It's not realistic, but it's a great game

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