
What's your personal response to someone tail-gating you?

by Guest58287  |  earlier

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I generally keep to the limit and let them tail. I figure if they rear-end me, it's their fault. My car is a crapbox anyway.

What does everybody else do?




  1. I don't personally drive but my sister and my stepmum do the whole braking sharply but not so much that they've caused an accident but it drives me crazy b/c it would be so easy to cause an accident!!! I always yell at them! My dad just does what you do! Sensible people!

  2. Slow down and signal them to pass

  3. Tap the breaks!!!! Or down shift or go very slow

  4. You are right

  5. i slow down more and smile as they pass me

    or if im in a bad mood i simply stop and get out of the car and scare the living sh** out of the tard monkey driving the other car

    by the way the police frown on that ive noticed

  6. teach them a lesson by braking fast right in front of him and commit insurance fraud hahahalol JK  

  7. get outta the way.. they may have to get to their final destination dead or alive...

  8. A really good thing to do that is safer than trying to loose them or slamming on the brakes is to turn your light on and off, this way your tail lights come on and they think your braking! Then they normally back of a little.

    Also it is dependent where I am, if I am in a restricted zone of 50mph or below, I will not speed so I do the light trick and keep as close to the curb as I can because sometimes they will try and overtake at stupid places and it gives them and people coming the other way(!) a bit of room.

    If I am not in a restriced zone tho... I have a pretty quick car so I just put my foot down and laugh at them trying to keep up!

  9. rip da e-brake *****!

  10. My response is, to put on the brake lights and flashers, signal them to pass, when they get even with my drivers door, I smile and wave, with a pistol in my right hand and the window down, just in case.

    Heck in Texas, we shoot if they tailgate.

  11. I generally point my rifle out the window.  That has had the desired effect and has stopped them from continuing with this dangerous behaviour.  I have not been forced to fire off a shot at a tail gater yet, they seem to get the message before it reaches that stage.

  12. i slightly tap my break so then they kant react fast enough and prob hit me.. then they back off bc they dont know when im gunna break again 2 possibly turn somewhere.. thats the best one tap ur break.. u sed ur kar was a crapbox so do that u will prob get hit.. lol..  

  13. I tap on the brakes enough for the lights to flash on but not enough to stop the car, this usually shakes them.

  14. Just keep to the posted speed limit and eventually they'll get bored and pass you.  If you abruptly slow down you run the risk of getting rear-ended or making the person go "road rage" or something.  Just keep driving and eventually they'll move on.

  15. Well, since I have a brand new car for the first time in my life and I also value my life and health. I pull over to the side of the road and let them pass me.There is a 20 mile stretch of road that I travel regularly and there has been over 50 accidents on it in just one year. I let the tailgaters pass.

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