
What's your perspective on 9/11?

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What's your perspective on 9/11?




  1. It is a conspiracy by the US to blame the Muslims and start a war. Just a way of them reminding that they are someone you wouldn't want to mess with.. That they are POWERFUL and we are just weaklings..

  2. It was NOT a conspiracy! Popular Mechanics has proved that several theorys were inacurate! What's wrong with people? Where has our loyalty to our country gone? The thought of our pres. killing over 3,000 people for OIL is rediculous!

  3. what? 9/11 is just an invention?

  4. its sad really and a very complicated political issue..

    i dnt know i tend to think abt those courageous people who died slow and painful deaths.. i feel for them and their families more.. >.<

  5. Our gov'mnt did it,and look at all the profit's the gov'mnt is making from it,called trillions of dollars.

  6. the terrorists never planned for the towers to collapse; that was a bonus for them.

    They used religion as the backbone to their argument.

  7. anyone who thinks it was not a conspiracy is crazy! Our president is money hungry. There was no solid proof that it was terrorists. Nothing makes sense! The way the buildings collapsed, the way there was no trace of a plane at the pentagon, how Bush is advertising on tanks in Iraq. It has nothing to do with loyalty, its corruption. Thousands of innocent ppl were taken from us b/c of greed. Its a shame!

  8. It was a blatant act by terrorists, planned out in meticulous detail,  and orchestrated and executed without regard for human life.    A heinous act of evil perpetrated by a group of delusional  psychopaths who were (and are) motivated by hatred, power and fanatical religious convictions.

  9. Don't skimp on construction costs!

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