
What's your phobia?

by  |  earlier

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Random i know, but i'm doing this article on phobias and want to find out as much about them as possible. From the craziest, to the most popular.

Thanks, much appreciated.

C//P xoxo

(p.s. my phobias are butter, big wheels and revolving doors, weird i know lol)




  1. Cats

  2. random hairs near me..because i don't know who's it is it scares me!!

  3. I have a phopia of road trips and needles like for vaccines at a doctors office.

  4. I have actually 2 phobias, I am soo afraid of people taking things from me, and when i miss things i get into a frenzy, or things are missing, The next phobia is that i am scared to death of Chicken iam allergic to it, so when i go into resturants and eat or order turkey i practically yell at the poor waitress  MAKE SURE ITS NOT CHICKEN

  5. Butterflies and moths and other flying insects, and spiders.

    Actually I am pretty diligent when it comes to any insect in my house.

    But, butterflies and moths completely freak me out because of a childhood trauma concerning butterflies.

    I know in my brain that they are nothing to be afraid of, but that feeling comes over me every time one gets in the house. And I refuse to allow one to touch me.

  6. I have a phobia of mice....I cant stand them! I had a friend who had them as a pet when I was young and she would let them crawl all over her...the thought of it makes my skin crawl! If i see a mouse I will scream and not calm down until I know it is gone! We had a mouse in our house once and I stayed at a hotel until it was caught!

  7. I used to have the fear of becoming paranoid. Okay, really. I travel long distances for work, but even as a teenager, I've feared having a mechanical breakdown on the road. I don't know why. It's more than just a fear of the inconvenience of the situation. As a result, I have always followed the car's manual on changing tranny fluid, timing belts, hoses, filters, etcetera. I'm constantly replacing all the things that other people never think about, like wheel bearings, struts, exhaust sensors, tie rod ends, to name a few.

  8. Men.......(joked)

    Actually,i can't see a cockroach.i'd run.............
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