
What's your pre-race meal? ?

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i run xc and track and im trying to find the best pre race meal for me. i just wanna know what you eat the night before or morning before a race and any other suggestions would be great! thanks




  1. Night before is pasta and that morning is dry toast or bagel and half a banana.

  2. Morning: Eggs and Toast and Orange Juice

    Evening: Pasta or any carbs

    Remember not to eat 2 hours before you run or you will get a side stitch

  3. High school xc is only 3-5 miles so carbo loading is a waste of time.  Try eating PB and honey about 90 minutes before a training run and see how it works for you.  Never try a new meal plan on race day.

  4. night before- spaghetti or another pasta

    morning- oatmeal or pb&j

  5. A TON of noodles. I eat spaghetti, and I usually eat a few extra servings of noodles. Don't be afraid of over eating. I also load up on Reese's Peanut butter cups. lol I know it sounds sorta weird, but it helps. It's kind of like eating those healthy athletic bars but it tastes Trust me it's okay to do it. My dad was a runner all through high school and college and he was a coach for 15 or so years, and he's the one that told me to do it. (He knows what he's doing =] )

    As for the morning, I can barely eat anything. I usually end up eating half a piece of toast and nothing else. If I ate any more than that I'd hurl. That's just me though. My nerves don't really allow me to eat.  

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