
What's your prediction on how much will Visa shares go up after the Olympics?

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Being that the olympics were coming up and the only card people can use there are visa I thought it would be a good investment. I bought 43 shares at 69.50 a piece. How much you think they'll go up by the time the olympics is over? And how confident are you in your opinion. I'm new to investing, I'd really appreciate the help.




  1. The vast majority of novices should start with mutual funds.  You can use Yahoo or Morningstar "screeners" to find funds with excellent returns.

    By carefully selecting funds, you can actually beat the masters.  For example, Warren Buffett's historical average is 18.1% (compounded for multiple decades).

    You can research individual stocks with Motley CAPS.

    Visa and MasterCard have potential to expand into countries like China and India, but I don't expect an Olympics "bump".

  2. There are way too many variables here and no history. $69.50 sounds a little high to me, but in the long run you could do well.

  3. They're up today .50 cents 73.04 but I wouldn't expect much more, they have been flat lining for the past 6mo. and the charts aren't indicating any changes soon. Master card is over $230. but that is a horse of a different color although people often get them confused, they actually have a money source. I'm so confident I'm not buying Visa, sell it now and take the profits you've made and look elsewhere for the big score. And by the way it won't be in China.

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