
What's your sign, and do you get annoyed by flirty people?

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I sure do, it's very superficial.




  1. Libra, sometimes..overly flirty people get on my nerves!!

  2. Well to be frank if it is a person i am attracted to and they are being flirty why not proceed in being flirty first challenging and examining what our mental/intellect capacity has to offer i.e. debates, sharing talents and interests whereas it can open my mind to new ideas. Then later when things have proceeded quite a bit then the rest comes into play physically and emotionally combined.

    I hate it when someone is only flirty on sexual grounds and approaches on what seems to be a lustful way. That drives me mad and is a completely turn off. I like someone to approach me with at least some you know sense of humour and intellect, make me so interested in wanting to know the unknown or learn a thing or two. Someone who has morals, ambitions, dreams..knows where they are going in life.

    I am a Sagittarius Sun, Leo Moon, Capricorn Venus and Scorpio Mars. How others perceive me when i am having a decent conversation and laughing at what actually is funny, comes across as me flirting and that is where one is wrong because i am not being all lusty. In terms of making moves, asking about their sexual or relationship life, asking them on a date but i am general talking about education, sports and debating. Just because one see me laughing with a male all of a sudden think i am flirting...if only they knew the conversation -lol. But i certainly am not attention seeker in anyway (actually quite laid back and come across as blazay) but i have unwanted attention mostly come my way..sometimes i think do i have a sticker on my head saying "Please be attracted my way" in bold.

  3. LOL...I am a natural flirt...and by flirt I mean 'innocent flirting' if that makes! I like to smile and laugh, joke around - but all in good fun...I don't go out of my way to be a 'trashy flirt' - I find this distasteful and unattractive!

    I know what you mean though, I dislike those types of people who really lay it on thick! LOL! You know, the ones that are the first to give their number out without being asked for it and are usually the ones with several different dates in the same week...The ones that like to be overly 'touchy feely' or even dress inappropriately (because they think it is attractive). The ones that like to stand extremely close to another and possibly 'touch' the other at some point 'by accident'.  Inappropriate gestures or topics of conversation....yuck!

    Don't get me wrong I have many friends who sometimes act this way (usually when they are I do think it is a bit each their own - I do my best to act like a lady though! ;)

    I always forget this part - LOL!




  4. Gemini, and I hate it when girls are flirting with boys by acting all fake, and laughing like they just heard the funniest thing at everything the boy says.

    I am a girl, and I don't really flirt.

  5. I'm a gemini, and I must admit that I'm a pretty big flirt myself...

  6. LEO, and sometimes.

  7. scorpio, i hate overly flirty people. An interesting person doesn't need to try too hard to get attention

  8. Libra and no, I am one :D

    Take a look at this! It's so cute!;...

  9. Leo and if they are the kind of corny cheesy cocky flirty, then yes, it's annoying, but if it's a cute flirty, then no.

  10. I'm a virgo. Yes. If I don't like them, I get really annoyed.  

  11. I am also a Libra who doesn't like flirting, i think its ok if you are single but when your not its totally wrong in my eyes, just means that the person you are with means nothing to you!


  12. Yes, I don't know what the point of it is and I'm not your typical 'flirtatious' Libra so it gets on my nerves when people say I should be flirtatious.

    Flirting is highly unnecessary, well to me, and I like everything to be slow so I'd rather be friends with someone first for a while and I mean a while before the flirting begins.

    Gemini's aren't superficial and flirty either as some people say, because my mom is the most loyal, reliable, caring, decisive person I've ever met and superficial she is not but that's cause she's old, or maybe it's cause she has Capricorn moon.

  13. Capricorn,

    and i dont get annoyed when people flirt with ME :)

    but i do get annoyed when i see girls acting really

    dumb infront of guys, thinking theyre "flirting".

  14. Sometimes I "flirt" without even realizing it, I think I'm actually just finding the person funny and interesting, then my friends automatically assume I want to have s*x with this person. Not always the case.

    I think that people who shamelessly flirt, flaunt, try to flirt with their friends bfs or are all over everybody, just have incredibly low self-esteem, and try to get it by making everyone in the room "want" them..not good. It only makes them "think" they are confident, by seeking approval from men

    who probably just want to **** them..a dangerous mix that only reassures their insecurities later in life. I pity them, because once they realize what these a******s have reduced them to, it just makes them feel even worse.

  15. i'm very flirty by nature and yeah i get annoyed sometimes with flirty people..... but i would say i'm more cold than people think i'm....

  16. People say I'm flirty...but I'm not trying to flirt!!! T.T

    I think some people just kinda act like it. I'm only annoyed when people use bad pick-up lines lol.

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  17. I'm Scorpio with Libra Rising. I do get annoyed by flirts (especially the men) I don't like that to be honest. As Libra RIsing I don't find myself flirty. I only flirt with my boyfriend (if I'm dating) but that's about it. I drop flirty people like cold turkey! =/

  18. HEY Rachstar!!!!!

    I am a Sagittarius (you know this already-lol) with a Leo moon and a Gemini rising and no flirty people do not annoy me.  I kind of like it actually if it is all in good fun and I don't think it makes a person superficial.

    I am just a friendly person (to guys and girls) and can share a drink or a chair or give someone a peck on the lips and that is okay if someone does the same to me.  I wouldn't give it a second thought.  

    I don't like it when the person is overt or aggressive with their flirting and I don't like it when they are disrespectful of their significant others.  

    I will scale back my friendliness if the other person seems to be taking it too seriously!!!  


    Sun: Sagittarius

    Moon: Leo

    Ascendant: Gemini

  19. I hate that so bad especially when i'm with someone,and they are flirting right in front of me like i can't see it,because i have eyes,and can see.It is very superficial.

  20. Libra. I love flirty people if they don't cross the line. Most of the time flirty people show confidence and are just fun to be around. If they are cocky-flirty then it is somewhat annoying.

  21. gemini,no i think it's actually entertaining, and enjoyable!  :)


    And yeah, if they keep on flirting after I give em a lil' smirk (just to be nice) and are ugly!

  23. Sagitarius.  And yes I do.

  24. I think the thing that annoys me so much about those people is that to me, they seem really insecure. As if they only go flirt with people because they have low self-esteem. That aggravates me. I'm not saying I prefer shy people, just normal people. People who can strike up a conversation, but with one or two people. Not the whole group...

  25. Aries and yes and no. Depending on the person's personality.

  26. sign what do u mean sign? my sign is a pentagram, inverted cross, and baphomet all in one maybe u can thro in a swastika also lol, if u mean sign for hitting on a girl, its when my pants begin to bulge for some

  27. Gemini, and i'll admite i get annoyed by flirty girls but also a little jealous of their confidence, and if it's a guy and i like him then he can be as flirty as he wants, just not sleezy.

  28. u will marry a guy from a foreign country  tough md life and u ll love flirting thats how u will get entangled and move to a country other than ur birth one

  29. Virgo. I get annoyed when it becomes excessive.

  30. Yeah I do, Some people just don't have the respect for other people.

    Yeah no one can stop you from doing it but you can use your own head and think would you like it for yourself. I have had girls look at me while holding on to their boyfriends, and stare at me, I felt awkward. Flirting can be nice but it depends on how and to whom you do it with.

  31. no flirty ppl get annoying some times if they are ugly ?

    but u shud tell them ur not in the mode for flirtin or to be flirted  ^.^

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