
What's your sign and do you feel guilty when you...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike the tags off your pillows and mattresses? I know it says you can do it once it's been delivered to you (the consumer) but for whatever reason, when I do it I just feel so...bad-@ss lol. I feel like such a renegade! It must speak volumes about my life, but I find it hilarious nonetheless.

How about you?

I'm a Sag. :)




  1. im a libra and i dont know how i feel when i rip tags off my pillows as ive never bought my own before lol. i wouldnt be able to decide how to feel lol

  2. i'm a cancer and lol.. i feel a tiny bit guilty when i rip the tags off.

  3. Sometimes and it makes me feel like a rule breaker and I love that feeling LOL

    Good question


  4. I'm a cancer...

    And  I too, feel very badass, when I rip the tags off my pillows...

    Haha, but really... where did that come from?

  5. Lol, I'm there with you! I would never do it if I hadn't bought it but once its mine I can do whatever I want! Lol!

    Sag :)

  6. lolz! Hahaha. Well I haven't ripped the tagsoff of my pillows or bed before, but when i rip them off of shirts[ESPECIALLY the hard ones that normally need scissors], I'm all like what tag, in your face! Of course I don't say this, but that's what my attitude says.

    haha lol.


    AAAAWz Heath! Don't go ruin it for us Scorpios! Ha...

  7. I am Aquarius and what is this weird question, it does not have aanything to do with this Astrology category...

  8. I'm a Virgo,and I never rip the tags off.

  9. Hahaha, I only rip them off if it's like pissing me off or something.

    And either way I don't feel bad for it at all, I mean it's MY pillow and/mattress and I should be able to do what I want with it.


  10. Yes!How weird!I thought I was the only one!

    I'm a Leo by the way and I feel bad when I take the tags off the shirts too...

  11. I'm an Aries, I don't have time to rip tags off mattresses and get thrills and chills with that kind of stuff lol

  12. Proves my point that Sags are generally kind of not as smart as the rest of us upstairs.

    And get thrills out of doing dumb things

    Additional Details:

    Proof that Sags are stupid by saying that she's enjoying life by asking people on yahoo answers if they think ripping tags off of pillows is fun...

    Some life...

    You fail poor sagi, don't flaunt more valor than you possess it's a recipe for disaster. But then again your sagi brain can't comprehend that now can it?

  13. Libra here.

    I never rip any tags off esp on a mattress or a pillow.

    I like knowing where my things  are made in.   :)

  14. No, I dont feel guilty. If you tell a human NOT to turn around and look at something then instinctively they'll do the opposite. No one tells me I can't rip a tag that I paid money for. I tear them off just because it says on the tag that I can't..rofl.

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