
What's your story? (How did you meet)

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I would love to hear! :) Was it a fall in love at first sight type deal? Dated for years? Met--then were separated for forever--then met up again later?





  2. I was working for a cleaning company in the food court at the local mall.  he was working at one of the restaurants.  I recently broke up with my boyfriend who was supposed to go to my senious prom with me so everyone at work (all the older people) decided they wanted to find me a prom date and set me up with him. (basically asked him if he wanted to go on a date with the girl washing the trays)  I was 17 at the time...going on 18 and he just tured 20 like 2 days before.  we went on a date and were going out for about a month when he decided to move back to his hometown to work for the summer.  he left right before my prom so we never spoke for awhile...even after he moved back from working ( he only left for a month)  he tried to talk to me but I was still soooo mad.  finally one day about a year later a girl I worked with said he was hot and I was like "back off hes mine!"  I told her the story of how we dated and she ended up hooking up back up.  we dated a month before I moved in with him and 2 months after I moved in he proposed.  5 months after he proposed we married when I was 19 and he was 21.  we have been together every since...married 3 and and half years now and as happy as can be.  we both just realized if there wasnt something there worth keeping we wouldnt have gotten back together.  love gave us a second chance so we werent going to let it pass us by again.

  3. LOL! I know this may sound bad but I was actually dating his friend when we met. I was with this other guy for several years and me and my current BF were friends thru my ex. My BF was still married at the time and in the 2 years I was with my ex he and his wife divorced and I broke up with my BF at the time. About a year after all was said and done he called me up and asked me out. We've been together ever since.  

  4. was a whirlwind for me...we met and were friends from work. We talked about our signigicant others, about how the relationships were, the kids (we each have 2)...I ended things with my ex and became a single mother of 2. He was still with his wife. We stopped talking because our lives got complicated. He separated from his wife during that time. We then ended up talking again and fell in love. A love that I had only seen in the movies! We are soulmates. We dated, laughed, cried, and enjoyed one another to the fullest. We went on vacations together and knew that we wanted to be with each other for the rest of our lives. And, now on May 15th of 2010 we will be. That's our story...

  5. haha I love answering these kinds of questions, I love reading everybody's love stories and telling everybody about ours! My fiance and I met on a cruise to Alaska.  At the time I was 16 and he was 19.  The second we met we were inseparable.  Spent every waking second with each other.  As it turns out we only lived a few hours apart and kept that relationship for 9 months.  Then I decided to move down to Vegas for school, and he moved back to Vegas to be with his family.  To date we have lived together for 2 years, and have been together for 3 1/2 years. We have never "taken a break" or spent a night apart from each other.  We have a strong, open relationship which we are very proud of.  It truly is our love story. Now we are planning our wedding for March, and couldn't be happier!  

  6. Well my story is kinda long, but it is special! =]

    I live in New Orleans, LA. It all started the summer before my junior year of high school, I went to a water park about 2 hours from my house, while waiting in line I started talking to a girl, her brother walked over, found out we lived in the same area, ended up dating. We only dated for 2 months, and that was when I realized I was head over heels for his best friend. We started dating in october 2004 which was our junior year, the following year, only a couple months before our one yr anniversary, Katrina hit us hard. Me and my family went to destin, florida, where we stayed for MONTHS, I even had to start their school there during my senior year. He was still in louisiana in baton rouge, but we stayed together, I cried myself to sleep every night. Finally when they let us back into the city, I came back first, he (dispite what his family wanted) came back and moved in with one of his friends so we could be together. We were, and then for college I had to move to another city and he did also, but it was 2 different cities that were an hour apart. We stayed together, and after that year of college, we both moved BACK to new orleans and got a house together. I am still in nursing school and I will be marrying my high school sweetheart, dispite every obsticle, next october, on our 5 year anniversary!  

  7. Actually he was my boss and I worked for him for about a year while we were both single.  One night everyone for work went out for happy hour and we started talking.  Well, people gradually kept leaving and we kept sitting there until, eventually, everyone else was gone.  We left separately but both of us realized there was something there.  We talked over the next couple of months and eventually realized it was something we had to do.  So we dated secretly for a couple of months but I eventually left the company and he got promoted so we moved together to another state.  We have been together 2 years and will be married in 2 weeks!

  8. Met at a church dance...I was there to meet and be introduced to a great guy (a friend of my girlfriend) and the guy's best friend saw me and said, "She is the girl I am going to marry.". The guy I was supposed to meet, told him to ask me to dance.   He tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to dance. He had just come home from serving in the Armed Forces.   It was love at first site (for him), for me it took a little bit longer.  Dated two years, got married, and have been happily married ever since.  We have three sons, 7 grandchildren.  

  9. We met on a holiday that a mutual friend organised.  We were sailing in Greece and after a week I think we both knew it was going somewhere...  And now we are getting married!

    As it turned out we had met in the past and are even in the same pictures from parties we had been to whilst at University!

  10. We were both in relationships with other people but shared the same group of friends. When both of our relationships ended, we started hanging out with the "group" a lot more and got to know each other. We dated for a few months but the timing was just awful so we ended up being friends. However, there was always more than friendship hanging between us. Five years after we dated, I got tickets to a soccer game and invited him. Soon we were dating again and this time we were both ready for a relationship. After being together for almost two years, he asked me to marry him and our wedding is in 4 months on December 13th. So happy!

  11. My husband and I met when I was working at Wal-Mart.  HA! I was in college and working in the Electronics department and he and a buddy of his were regulars there, they would come in every week to buy DVDs, video games, etc. etc.

    HOWEVER I found out after we started dating that he was apprenticing at the tattoo shop I got my first tattoo at.  He was there at the time, during that appointment, I just didn't talk to him.  My best friend from high school was with me and remembered seeing him doodling on a sheet of paper while he was sitting at the counter, she even remembered some of the objects he had drawn.  After she told him all of this when I first introduced them he dug around his work station and found the paper she was talking about.  He still has that sheet in a folder in all of his tattoo stuff, so it is kind of a physical reminder of the day our paths first crossed.  ^_-

    It definitly was not love at first sight, I was sort of skeptical of him at first (he is 7 years older than me, I had never dated someone that much older) but now I cannot imagine my life without him.

  12. My husband I are both in the Air Force and we were both in the basement of the hospital cleaning up after Hurricane Katrina (even though it had been a year since the storm) and I needed some help moving chairs so he gave me a whole bunch of his troops to help me.

    Then we had a mutual friend who kind of hooked us up and we have been together since.  Going on 2 years together, 1 year married.


  13. Well we met in highschool! His family moved to my town down the street and my father and I saw the UHaul drive by so I went on a walk to see who was moving in! I didnt see anyone but his father so I went home. That Monday at school I saw his father and mother in the fornt hall while i was working in the office. I asked the office who they were and if they had kids, and how old and stuff but they couldnt pull anything up in the system. I went home that day and my brother told me about this werid kid that walked him with and lived down the street, he said they just moved from Missouri. I asked Alec to go get the kid (the kid by the way was my FH little brother). When they got here I asked him if he had any siblings and he said, " I have an older brother" and i then asked if i could have their number and he gave it to me! So the next day after school I called the house and asked to speak to Chuck (FH) and he got on the phone and I asked him to go to prom with my friend she really needed a date and he could get to know some of our friends and stuff! Well he said lets meet first and then he came over and when i saw him I thought I was going to die! He was the cutest thing ever and I knew he was the one for me! Longer story short, he did go to prom with my friend but I went home with him that night! Now 4 years later we are getting married and have two great kids and are happy as can be. So I guess we were highschool sweet hearts, love at first sight the whole nine yards!

  14. we met in the 9th grade and here in Puerto Rico you graduate middle school in the 9th grade not 8th so we walked together in the graduation ceremony (cuz of the alphabetical order) and for the celebration we (the group) stayed at a hotel and we even danced together at the junior prom but nothing else.

    them when we came back to the 10th grade and became close friends and fell in love

    we've been together 2 1/2 years now, and starting 2nd year of university(tomorrow lol)

    but we have plans for our future AFTER we graduate

  15. We have been in and out of our lives.

    I originally met James in 5th grade, although it was just classmates, no romance.  ha ha  But he transferred school in the 8th grade.

    Fast forward to senior year of high school (1998): By chance, I worked for a friend's father (a photographer) at a school dance in a nearby town.  James recognized me, approached me, and we talked the rest of the night.  We began dating and continued via long-distance when he went away to Navy boot camp.  I moved to go to college and we kept in touch for about a year.  Eventually we lost touch.

    7 years later (2006), I was in the middle of a divorce and felt very lost.  While exploring friends from high school's Myspace, I ran across one profile that said James.  When I clicked on it, I knew it was him.  I emailed him and he replied asking me to call him.  We exchanged numbers and continued to talk for a few months. He was so supportive of me throughout the divorce process.  He lived in CA and I was in TX. Then we visited (the first time seeing him in person, it was like going home).  He took me to Lake Tahoe for Christmas 2006 and proposed.  I moved to Cali and we got married on May 10, 2008!!!

    Sorry it's long but you asked!

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