
What's your take about Manila, Philippines air pollution?

by  |  earlier

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..\|/. What you've done and should be done?




  1. check out chinas streets... we are way better then them atleast.

  2. What I did was move to a condo on Roxas Blvd, that way I there is a 50/50% chance of having fresh air depending on which way the wind is blowing - air over the bay is fairly clean.

  3. Sure the air pollution is pretty bad but thats what you get from a city with multiple millions living there. There isn't much that is going to change that because true there is cleaner cars and such but they cost heaps of money that normal people on the street and let alone the corrupt government wants to spend. While I'm there I try to walk more and take the train when I can instead of a taxi. Other than that there isn't much one can do there.  

  4. Convert all those Jeepneys to run on propane.

  5. farting in the right places only...

  6. caused me to have almost a week-long sick leave due to infected cough.  Eeew, but true.

  7. Air pollution is a serious problem in Manila; one only needs to observe the scarfs or handkerchiefs that people breathe through to filter the polluted air.  The most polluted air seems to be at busy intersection where I have personally felt ill breathing this noxious air.  I will say that a person does get some relief the closer one is to Manila bay.  

    Obviously, ridding the entire city of the smoke belching jeepneys and buses would be a tremendous help.  There has been much discussion in eliminating these types of vehicles replacing them with new age electric and natural gas powered buses and vans.  

  8. the noise polution far out weighs the filth . China is more dirty , but it is usually quieter  

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