
What's your take on circumcsion?

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My girlfriends and I were discussing this recently... so, to the guys, are you circ or not and are you happy with the way you are? And to the girls, which kind do you prefer?




  1. It's not a health issue. Cleaning it and keeping it healthy is as easy as cleaning your ears. Circumcision causes the mucus membrane on the glans (head of the p***s) to dry out and get less sensitive. There is a loss of natural lubrication, which leads to higher irritation, and the gliding friction effect of the f******n is lost.

    Male circumcision is a social or religious tradition  -- tribal, if you will, like lip discs or weighted, elongated earlobes in Africa. If you compare the numbers of circumcisions and the number of people who describe themselves as religious in the US and Europe, you will either come to the conclusion that the US has terrible sanitation and health care, or that religion and circumcision go hand in hand.

    The only reason for circumcision is to not make a boy wonder why he looks different than his father -- but boys and men don't look that closely.

    I'm unmutilated and happy about it.

  2. I don't really care as long as he has good hygiene in the area in general

  3. Everyone in my family (males) were circumsized because they said it's a health issue or something. They say everyone does it now. Female circumcision is just plain cruel though, I can't believe they actually do that to girls in third world unnecessary.

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