
What's your take on designers who can't draw?

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As in ARCHITECTS having AVERAGE drawing skills not GREAT.

Do you take them to be less creative than than other architects who do draw very well?

Or do you think design ability is independent of drawing skill after a certain degree of drawing competence??

Just wondering....I am a design (architecture) student, I love art but I 'm not that great at drawing.....




  1. You  know Ruby, I just don't think it's that important. Drawing isn't something that comes easily to everyone, but it is a skill that can be learned by anyone if they are taught properly.

    That aside I think the important thing for an architect is to be able to get the idea out of their head and into a visual form. Whether that is done with drawing or with graphics programs doesn't matter, it's the end result that counts, and how close it is to the architect's original inspiration.

    Don't worry yourself about it.

  2. i think that if they have good ideas then thats all the matters,

    it doesnt matter how they show it.

  3. i think that creative ability has nothing to do with the ability to draw. creativity come sfrom within, and is a mental vision.

    its like someone who suffers dyslexia, yet has a high iq, just doesnt know how to put it all on paper.

    work from your visions. try using different mediums, ie clay etc until you find what works for you.

  4. van gogh wasn't great at it when he started drawing either, but over time and with practice he improved.

    you really can draw if you practice a little every day or so. it will surprise you how easy it will come to you.

  5. design is more important in 3d lines of work than 2d, but if you have no artistic talent, you'll probably have to do a lot of convincing talk to people wishing to hire you. 'sketching' is a good avenue to show your 'vision' right...  

  6. Drawing is a fraction of importance in architectural design. If that is something you enjoy, I believe you should pursue it. Drawing can only do so much, being creative can do much more. Alittle bit of both and your good.

    good luck and god bless.

  7. Ways how to Solve It!

    -try doing some drawings during your free time

    -draw what you express

    -draw basic things like a human

    -try buying guide books in drawing

    -try to believe that you can do it!

    for me .. what matter most is the way you express your drawings because sketching something that come from your heart will make your work a work that means ... everything about you!

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