
What's your take on the Philadelphia Federal lawsuit against Obama's Constitutional eligibility for office?

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Rage-McCain has no such problem. Title 8, Sec. 1403 of the US code grants citizenship to certain individuals born in the Panama Canal Zone after 1904. He qualifies, thus is considered "natural born" and is able to run for president.




  1. Honestly, I think if there wasn't some grain of truth to it then this would've been set to rest earlier.  If nothing else it would've emboldened Senator Obama to his supporters and it would've discredited Senator McCain whether directly or indirectly.  Needless, to say it must be racism that these rules were written at the countries founding, which by the way, originally blacks and women weren't allowed to vote.

  2. Any canidate should have to prove that they are eligable for the job so there is nothing wrong with this lawsuit at all.  It might not even grow legs but there is nothing wrong with questioning Obama's legitamacy

  3. What happened?

    Did they find out he was born in the Panama Canal Zone?

    Your link doesn't work.

  4. There are a lot of black folk in PA.... they must be racist?

  5. lol

    white man fears a having a president of someone who doesn't look like those of the paper money

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