
What's your technique for picking a horse for the Kentucky Derby?

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I find the fastest guy with the coolest name. I have to gravitate towards the horse I like. Since I'm not gonna bet in this one, my pick is Cool Coal Man. I like his name and Nick Zito is his trainer. He was the trainer for George Steinbrener's horse last year. So what's your technique? You don't have to tell me your pick if you don't want to.




  1. For the Kentucky Derby I use a process of elimination and bet the horse(s) with the fewest negatives.  I also eliminate horses breaking from the far outside posts because they very rarely (if ever) win.

  2. the fastest horse is.... b i g/ b r o w n

  3. my pick is cool coal man too. my technique? same as yours. he has a cool name, he seems like a good horse, he has a good trainer... it's just my gut feeling. i was thinking about some other horses, too, but my gut keeps telling me to go with cool coal man.

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