
What's your thought on the mansion blaze ?

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i think the man killed his family and horses and dogs evil bas..... then killed him self after he relied what he did i think he wanted to start a fire on his mansion so he could get some money from the insurance and then pay of his debts what do you think ?




  1. No.  I don't think that.  I think that he has got himself in a mess as his company went into liquidation and as he owed so much money did not know how to get out of the mess he and his family were in and thought the only solution to the problem was to kill everyone including the animals.   I think it was an act of desperation...of not knowing what to do or to whom he could turn to for help.  I think he did not want his family to suffer and to drop their living standards which would have probably been unbearable for them to think of.  He also got rid of the animals as he probably did not want them to go into homes causing them unnecessary upset.  I think this was an act of a desperate man not knowing what to do in circumstances that had got completely out of control.  May he and his family rest in peace.

  2. If he killed his wife and kid then yes, i think he's could he kill his young daughter, only just starting out in life....sounds like he was quite proud and flash with the cash......still buying stuff when he was in trouble.

  3. This is so awful, 3 people have died, family pets killed and a home destroyed, either one of the family lost the plot, and did these horrendous things or someone hated them enough to wipe the whole lot out. My thoughts go out to the family and friends of this tragic and cruel crime.

  4. Chris N - firstly women do commit those kinds of murders, they do kill themselves and take their children with them, in fact there are actually more cases of women doing this then men!

    I also think they fact they have now found 3 bodies puts everyone ideas into doubt, why would a man kill his animals then set fire to the animals then go into the house without the family hearing the animals cries of smelling the fire, then kill the family then set fire to the house, then kill himself, it doesn't really make a lot of sense, there is a real lack of a motive.

    I think that somebody did it to them, the daughter was on line then the connection was stopped, my theory is that somebody came into the house, killed the family, then they killed the animals (this is something i don't really understand) unless it was some kind of threat and they were made to watch their animals die, or unless the dogs were killed cos they made too much noise and would wake local neighbours or the family.

    I think the media and the general public want to believe it was the father so that we can all judge a man, rather than being afraid of the unknown, but i do think if you think about it logically it doesn't really make a lot of sense for it to have been the father.

  5. I think he had financial difficulties and shot his wife, daughter,pets,so that they wouldn't suffer during the fire.He then set the house on fire and then shot himself.

  6. i live a short 5 min drive from the house. personnally i think that he killed the animals for the fact that they could have been sold for money o pay towards debts as of the house i personnally think i went cookoo and killed his wife and daughter. and has done a runner either that or is dead somewhere around the grounds of the house or close. if everythin had survived then the property and everythin would have been solved. hes covered up his tracks well. i think he burnt the house on purpose to distract the police away from looking for him long enough for him to dissappear.

  7. He must have been deranged.  I can't understand why he would kill the animals too. That surprises me more than anything. To kill another human being you could think that it was something that turned him over the edge.

    Of course its all speculation at the moment. It could have been someone that he owes money to that did it.  And is the daughter dead too?  There are so many questions to this case. It's heartbreaking.

  8. I live in Shropshire, and it has been in our local papers front page news. I agree that this tragedy could of been a suicide compact. I have heard that the police are putting it down to murder.

  9. He's done a canoe-man and faked his own death.

  10. I think he shot the animals, then shot his family, then started the fire and then shot himself.

  11. I told him, if he didnt pay up this would happen. He just wouldnt listen, so I sent the boys round to take care of it.

  12. It's another case of a man with a gun who's gone nuts.  It's always men who do this isn't it.  Women kill themselves but they don't often take others with them.  These chaps must be a certain psychological type to actually want to own a gun in the first place.  He was a millionaire with a lovely house and land etc and a business.  If he was a farmer then it would be sensible to have a gun, but this guy obviously had it for 'pleasure'?  So he gets into financial difficulties over his business, fears bankruptcy, goes over the edge and can't see a way out.  What does he think?  Oh yes, I'll shoot myself.  Fair enough...but Oh, I can't leave my wife and daughter to face the music and remember me as a loser.....that would be awful.  OK in that case I'll kill them first.  At least he shot the pets before he set fire to them - but why set fire to the place at all.  Some poor relative is going to have to clear up the mess he's left.  If this is the true scenario then he was a VERY selfish man.  His daughter had her whole life ahead of her.  If he was weak and couldn't take life any longer that is one thing.  It's totally another to selfishly take the lives of others because you yourself can't cope.  The wife and daughter should've had the choice to end it all or not.

  13. I think he shot himself

  14. From first seeing the story, I thought, "do they need to look for anyone else".

    From the beginning, I'd say it looked like the madness of someone who couldn't take any more - not a sudden snap, as that would probably have just been a triple shooting, but a slow burn fury.

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