
What's your thoughts about vegetarians?

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Some people I know really don't like the thought of people not eating meat. So what's your thoughts?




  1. Well, I'm a vegetarian myself ;) (vegan to be exact) So I like other vegetarians/vegans too.. They're pretty cool (and healthy) ;D

    The people who don't like us just because of our diet, they are insecure and close minded. You can't hate someone because of what they do and dont eat! Come on now ;(

  2. I invite them over for dinner and put them out to graze in the backyard....keeps my lawn trim.  I love vegetarians!!!  I take a supplement that is vegetarian-Vega, and it goes well with my system, although I eat meat.   I don't care what a person eats...each has their own convictions and reasons for what they  do.  Bon Appetit!!!

  3. I'm a vegetarian. I think it's fine to not eat meat. It's all what you believe. I don't have a problem with people who eat meat, and I hope that people who eat meat don't have a problem with me not eating meat

  4. Vegetarians are ideologues, just like members of odd religious sects, or patrons of quack medicine, or believers in psychics, and so on.

    As long as they keep their odd beliefs to themselves and don't bother others, or harm others, it's fine with me.

    I tend to get most excited when I read in the papers of a small child who has died of malnutrition on account of his parents' odd dietary beliefs.

  5. Read 'The China Study' and you will become a vegan real quick.

  6. "Vegetarians"?

    Well, Humanity’s true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply buried from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect humankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental

    that all others stem from "them".

  7. It's kind of like religion and politics....keep your opinions to yourself and don't try to shove your beliefs on me! I could not care less what someone eats or does not eat.

  8. I could care less what people eat.  When they want me to change my diet I get Irritated.

  9. To each his own, my issues are with those wacked out militant Vegetarians. I could eat solely vegetables this time of year, the garden is practically throwing Zucchini as me. I love summer veggies. But, they do go great with BBQ chicken thighs /drool

  10. What those people think is no concern of mine.  Let them p**s and moan about my diet.  I'm a vegan and I will remain one for life.

  11. i don't care about them.they can eat whatever they want.

  12. Well I am one myself. I think vegetarians are cool and I love the fact that every vegetarian saves 100 animals per year. I don't think people should say they don't like the thought of other people not eating meat because it has nothing to do with them and they should just worry about themselves. Vegetarians are awesome and I love being one! :)

  13. I don't think any thing of them. It annoys me when people, such as yourself, judge other people, as much as to hate them, based solely on their diet.

  14. Their loss.

  15. I'm a meat eater.

    I think it's fine if you are a vegetarian.

    I do believe though that as humans it is in our nature to eat meat. :)



    I really don't care who eats meat and who doesn't.

    If you don't want to - don't.

    If you do want to - do.

    Get over the morals and debating.

  17. I'm a vegetarian!! I don't tell people though, like I'm trying to make them feel guilty that they eat meat, and I don't try to make people be a vegetarian. The only time I tell people I'm a vegetarian is when I'm going to eat at their house so they don't make this awesome meal, and I can't eat it or something. I don't really think it matters if people are vegetarian or not, they can just eat what they please. I think it's good that people do eat meat though, to keep the food chain in order...but I don't!!! :) lol

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