
What's your top 10 players today?

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1.Kobe Bryant

2.LeBron James

3.Chris Paul

4.Tim Duncan

5.Kevin Garnett

6.Dwyane Wade

7.Yao Ming

8.Steve Nash

9.Tracy McGrady

10.Carmelo Anthony

I actually just want to see if someone ranks Deron over Chris,then I can flame the guy.




  1. 1. Kobe Bryant - Owns the spot as of now

    2. LeBron James - Can be #1 but Kobe has experience

    3. Tim Duncan - Underrated with 4 rings

    4. Chris Paul - Point Guard of the future

    5. Dwight Howard - The big guy got game

    6. Yao Ming - He's still soft in my mind.

    7. Brandon Roy - He's a rising All-Star

    8. Vince Carter - He has the team now.

    9. Ray Allen - Still the best shooter in the game

    10. Zach Randolph - Bad Attitude but He Got Game With a 20/10 Avg

  2. 1.kobe


    3.chris paul

    4.timmy D


    7.allen iverson



    10.dwight howard

  3. same here

  4. Kobe Bryant

    LeBron James

    Chris Paul

    Allen Iverson

    Dwight Howard

    Amare Stoudemire

    Camelo Anthony

    Dirk Nowitzki

    Steve Nash

    Dwayne Wade

    not in any order

  5. 1. Kobe Bryant

    2. Dwyane Wade

    3. Chris Paul

    4. Lebron James

    5. Allen Iverson

    6. Kevin Garnett

    7. Dwight Howard

    8. Tim Duncan

    9. Paul Pierce

    10. Carmelo Anthony

  6. lol naw they shouldnt

    1. Kobe

    2. LeBron

    3. CHRIS PAUL (Fave Player)

    4. Dwayne Wade

    5. Dwight Howard ( Futue of The Center position)

    6. Tim Duncan(dont like him but still)

    7. Iverson

    8. Garnett

    9. Gilbert ( when hes healthy again)

    10. Deron (Chris Paul's only competition in da Future of Pg's)

  7. 1.kobe


    3.chris paul

    4.dwayne wade

    5.kevin garnett

    6.tracy mcgrady

    7.tim duncan

    8.gilbert arenas

    9.steve nash

    10. melo

  8. I agree almost entirely with your list.

    1. Kobe

    2. LeBron

    3. Chris Paul

    4. Tim Duncan

    5. Kevin Garnett (only behind Duncan because of inconsistency in the playoffs)

    6. Yao Ming

    7. Dwight Howard (below Yao because he has no range and defense is still kind of raw)

    8. Deron Williams

    9. Steve Nash (on the decline, but still the best passer in the game)

    10. Paul Pierce (he's above T-Mac and Melo because of defense)

  9. 1.   Kobe Bryant.

    2.   LeBron James

    3.   Tim Duncan

    4.   Chris Paul

    5.   Dwight Howard

    6.   Dwyane Wade

    7.   Tracy McGrady

    8.   Deron Williams

    9.   Kevin Garnett

    10. Dirk Nowitzki

  10. 1.Kobe Bryant

    2.Lebron James

    3.Kevin Garnett

    4.Carmelo Anthony

    5.Chris Paul

    6.Dwayne Wade

    7.Paul Pierce

    8.Dwight Howard

    9.Chris Bosh

    10.Tim Duncan

  11. 1. kobe bryant

    2. lebron james

    3. chris paul

    4. dwight howard

    5. kevin garnett

    6. dwyane wade

    7. steve nash

    8. tim duncan

    9. dirk nowitzki

    10. yao ming

  12. I agree with your top 10 but take out Yao Ming and put in Amare Stoudemire. Yao Ming is a great player but he does not stay healthy enough to be considered a top 10 player. Also take out Tracy McGrady and put in Allen Iverson. Again like Yao Ming, Tracy McGrady does not stay healthy enough to be considered a top 10 player. Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming are in the 10-15 top player range. Also take out Carmello Anthony and put in Paul Pierce

    In not real order im just naming 10 top players:

    Steve Nash

    Amare Stoudemire

    Kobe Bryant

    LeBron James

    Kevin Garnett

    Dwyane Wade

    Tim Duncan

    Chris Paul

    Allen Iverson

    Paul Pierce

    Good Luck

  13. C

    1.Dwight Howard

    2.Yao Ming

    3.M Camby






    1.King James


    3.Paul Pierce


    1.Kobe Bryant

    2.Dwayne Wade

    3.Ray Ray


    1.Chris Paul

    2.D Williams

    3.Steve Nash

    Your Question requires top 10 players but you cant compare a C with a PG or any other position (not just the C)

  14. 1.Chris Paul

    2.LeBron James

    3.Kevin Garnett

    4.Ray Allen

    5.Allen Iverson

    6.Steve Nash

    7.Dwayne Wade

    8.Dwight Howard

    9.Kobe Bryant

    10.Carmelo Anthony

    I wanted to say Derek Fisher...

  15. In no particular order right now, but:

    Kobe Bryant

    LeBron James

    Chris Paul

    Tim Duncan

    Dwight Howard

    Kevin Garnett

    Dwyane Wade

    Deron Williams

    Amare Stoudemire

    Allen Iverson

    Now if i had to put that in order...

    1. Kobe Bryant

    2. LeBron James

    3. Chris Paul

    4. Dwyane Wade

    5. Tim Duncan

    6. Kevin Garnett

    7. Dwight Howard

    8. Amare Stoudemire

    9. Deron Williams

    10. Allen Iverson

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