
What's your understanding of the Russian-Georgian conflict?

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All the details of who attacked who seemed very shady to me so I did some digging and found the truth.

What do you think happened?




  1. The BBC have a couple of pages which may help you understand the issue. They both seem fairly objective and factual - with the arguments from both sides. A BBC reporter was in Georgia on the Thursday when the trouble started.

    The first is titled : Q&A: Violence in South Ossetia

    The second is titled:  Day-by-day: Georgia-Russia crisis

  2. I'm curious to see your opinion.  The way I see it, Russia has been supporting para-militaristic groups in South Ossetia.  Georgia, being a new and fragile democracy, is trying to oust those pro-russian groups.  Georgian government decides to use military force, not really thinking that Russia would back up their homies with the Russian army.  Russia would like to take back Georgia or at least the pro-russian bits of Georgia.  This inept Georgian action was just the excuse Russia was looking for.  Russia sees itself as protecting innocents.  Also doesn't see the difference between Russia moving into Georgia and US moving into Iraq.

  3. It boggles my mind how people think s. Ossetia is it's own country, or land.  It's not.  It's within Georgia.  They are separtists, rebels.  Like if Lancashire decided one day they are going to separate from England.  Geogian government is pro-west.  S.Ossetia needs a friend, so they are pro-Moscow.  Moscow of course likes this idea, so they give them money and guns. In hopes one day the rebels will take over the rest of Georgia, or if Russia invade and conquers Georgia, they will have a ready made puppet government.  Georgia went in to retake their own land from the separtists.  Really it was none of Russias business.  

  4. There is nothing shady at all about it. It has been established that our western media is openly biased against russia and is feeding us with a slanted story. Read more of your news on the net. It has better information and is not government controlled - Yet!

  5. As far as I know Georgia was the one who started it. Whatever the politics here is, it can't justify the lives that were lost.

  6. Check this website for the real facts.

  7. i think Russia is trying to antagonize the world. but as i understand it Georgian's invaded south Osettia & told the people living in home's there to leave.

  8. Lets hear it from the people who really know.This 12 year old American girl was actually there on holiday visiting relatives when it happened.

  9. Russian jets destroyed a major crude oil hub in Georgia.  Of course, the responsible party is Georgia for having an oil hub where the Russians wanted to perform exercises.   The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline does not touch Russian soil and created a source of oil supplies to Europe and the U.S.  with Mideast or Russian dependence.  Of course, it was "only" 1 per cent of the world's daily production and should not be considered, under principles of the edtioral boards of the Post and Times.  Bush's fault?  Sure, its O.K.  Its your country.  

  10. It looks as if Georgia decided to take over South Ossetia and the Russians took offence because it is on their border.

    The Russians retaliated in a big way and murdered and pillaged.

    Georgia is asking the world for support and is enjoying every minute of the "look at what the nasty Russkis did" show, but basically they were the aggressors.

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