
What's your view of President Bush's preemptive war doctrine?

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What's your view of President Bush's preemptive war doctrine? To what

degree is your opinion affected by what has happened in the Middle East

since the United States invaded Iraq in 2003? If you think the

preemptive war doctrine is a flawed concept, what alternative would you





  1. The  invasion of Iraq was a violation of the Geneva Convention for which Bush could possibly face charges in a World Court. He is asking Congress to pass a law, granting him immunity.  

  2. I think the idea of preemptive war to prevent worse things from happening is correct and necessary.  

    This does not, of course, mean that every action taken in such a war is correct.

    I can see that some mistakes were made after the invasion of Iraq in 2003; nevertheless it was better to invade than not to invade.  It did eliminate a well-organized terrorist state, and thereby slow down the aggression of our enemies.  

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