
What's your view of the prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay?

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I think that it's an absolute disgrace and puts America in the same category as China. Quite frankly it should be something that every American should be ashamed of.

I'm not American myself but I'm absolutley ashamed of what's going on and that the British government don't do more to pressurise the Bush administration. Apart from the appaling treatment, their basic lack of human rights is truly abominable and to class them as enemy combatants just so you can try them in a military court is an insult to democracy.

But what's particularly prompted me to ask this question is seeing a photograph in the paper this week of a 16 year old lad who's being held at Guantanamo Bay and that just struck me as being so very wrong. In life there are some things that are right and there are some things that are wrong and I believe Guantanamo Bay is wrong.

But what's you view on the so called torture 'ghost flights' and Guantanamo Bay?




  1. That 16 year old was part of an Al Quida terror cell, along with his father and brother, he was involved in a combat engagement with US forces and killed a medic, trying to help a fallen soldier.  BooHoo.  Now he's crying for his mummy.  

    But you're right we should put them in a cushy prison for 3 squares a day, some good ol sattelite telly, weight room, prayer room, rec room, and let them out in 6 months, they'll have learned there lesson.  Suuuuure they will.

  2. I totally agree with everything you have said.  Seeing the video of the 16 year old boy was disturbing.  It it a violation of anyones human rights to be kept as a prisoner without a trail.  It beggars belief that the US gets away with this but this is what happens when you "get into bed" with the Americans.  They are blood thirsty, gun ho, war mongers and following them into war means that we are now forever linked with them.  This is what happens when you have an ape (bush) leading your country.

  3. They never should have been taken to Guantanamo for detention, they should have been shot on the spot.

  4. Terrorist don't take Prisoners. why do we? Terminate with extreme prejudice.

  5. Another illegal act.

    Holding people for 4 years without trial is a scandal.

    If Saddam or Mugabe had done that we would be screaming about abuse. Different rules for the USA though.

  6. There those who have different opinions. Writers of fiction with titles such as A Deeper Blue. These authors may be approached to write things like ''To those Guarding The Thugs At Guantanamo'' in a front piece of the book so may be propaganda pressure not actual opinion. Another thing a person can note is that an attitude that groups from The Red Brigades to The I.R.A.  were all thugs was prevelant before. Also that since their methods were different and they were not an army but terrorists and regarded as thugs whatever happened to them was allright. This behind an ostensible rule of The Law. Whether or not torture was put to use this what people thought . Question is were any of them to have an army would it be accepted as legit. Also again they had no Air Force but if they had and declared war they could have bombed at will.

  7. since they put there the world has been a safer place.

  8. I believe its breeding more terrorist.

    Let say a few are innocent, they loved the USA, well I'll bet you a months pay, the few innocent don't like us now!

    Even if you hated the USA before you got to Gitmo, but were still innocent, heres what you're doing now, your getting more and more PO'ed and your surrounded by terrorists who have connections in the terror world, well now your more likely to become a terrorist if you ever get out of Gitmo.

    In trying to limit terror, I think it will only succedd to breed more terrorists.

  9. A question for you to consider.  What was done with prisoners during WWII?  I think that if you look it up, you will find that prisoners were held for the duration of the war.  There were prisoner of war camps in America, England, Germany, Russia, etc.  During a war, one does not release prisoners captured on the battlefield.  They tend to go back to fight some more.

  10. If there was this much protest over German POWs during WWII, there would be an embassy for the Third Reich in DC.

  11. this 16 year old lad as you call him killed a us medic,do you think they just go in and decide who goes to Guantanamo these guys were caught making bombs carrying gun's and killing anyone who is not muslim maybe we should let them go in your country and kill your loved ones then maybe you might change your mind but i don't think so

  12. Would you rather suspected terrorists were released into the wider population to do more heinous acts against humanity, or that we tread on a few toes getting to the truth?

  13. do people really care or do they just say so to be "pc" and then act all superior to everyone else. have people forgotten that some of these prisoners have or would have killed americans.

  14. Let them rot !

  15. Really, really terrible,land of the free land of the brave I don't think so.

  16. Goes against everything we believe in and fight for. It is better to have terrorists on the streets than possibly innocent people locked up. The taliban in afghanistan right or wrong are fighting for what they believe they should have the same rights as a POW.

  17. You're right that their lack of human rights is a disgrace to democracy. I also agree that this treatment of the prisoners

    puts America on a par with China in this regard. Bush has

    not only lowered the stature of the U.S. in the world,but removed Americans from the moral high ground.

  18. they have been interrogated well - now is the time to let them go

  19. Innocent the lot of them.

  20. A crime and shocking for most prisoners there most were pulled out their beds at4 in the morning and from that moment suffered shocking conditions and torture. Im not saying some are not guilty but most men their aren't.


    if American troops shot your brother raped your mum what would you done shake their hands don't think so America is not so innocent as you think.

  21. Why do you think it is built in Cuba and not on USA soil, the USA law doesn`t count.

  22. Once the green light is given to torture, the guaranteed result is an ever-widening landscape of broken bodies, ruined lives and profound shame to all involved.

    It was deliberately brought in to combat guerilla warfare.The only way they can give themselves the upper hand again is to dispense with the normal rules of engagement.Guantanamo is part of the strategy.The fact that completely innocent men could languish there for years is of no concern to them as the bigger picture is all that matters.That's also why there are so many reports of soldiers abusing prisoners and individuals in Iraq.They are quite happy to let it go on and when the proverbial happens they deny all knowledge,the rule being just don't get caught.

    Problem is America has lost the moral highground they thought they had.In reality most of the world knows that the U.S. has for years been sowing the seeds for what it now reaps.There's was always a false morality.

    Everyone is entitled to due process.Mess about with that and you threaten democracy itself.It's the slippery slope.If Martial Law was introduced and American citizens protested could they find themselves whisked away to the Bay?

    Have the terrorists won in so much as they have altered American freedoms.

    Zoe:Problem with that is that there are people in Gauntanamo who were 'given up' to the Americans for a cash incentive.You offer more money than he's ever seen to some dubious dirt poor character he'll sell you his granny.

  23. They were fighting us so deserve to be locked up. As for the British ones they should have been shot at dawn for treason.

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