
What's your worst fear?

by Guest32119  |  earlier

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What's your worst fear?




  1. To lose a very dear friend !

  2. Future

  3. Death and anything that causes it...

  4. that i won't see my kids grow up!!

  5. the greatest to run out of beer...

  6. that i wont see my horse again. Yster(its afrikaans) i love him! what does this have to do with Egypt!?

  7. making mistakes that makes allah mad at me

  8. dieing on sin,and going to h**l =[

  9. not seeing my parents when i grow up

  10. to lost some one dear to me

  11. that  maybe i am wrong

  12. what does this have to do with Egypt?

  13. That the people I trust aren't trustworthy.

  14. Being in a fire with no way out.

  15. Being moving in the wrong path in this life, and thinking its the right path.

  16. to be lonley again

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