
What 6 things would you bring with you to a desert island?

by  |  earlier

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Theres water and basic food on the island already.




  1. Hmmmmm - A satellite phone, a friend, clothes, sunscreen, tent, blanket

  2. Assuming I couldn't bring a method of transportation...

    1) My boyfriend

    2) An endless supply of toilet paper

    3) The Bible

    4) My photo albums of family and friends

    5) Materials to build a shelter with

    6) A volleyball

  3. a boat

    my husband


    beach towels


    cd player w/batteries and CD's

  4. Music Oxycottin :D  a bout 2 chicks and My computer with working wifi internet

  5. First aid kit, umbrella, CLOTHES, hygeine things, mobile (If theres connection) if not umm ... a bed,cover and a tent

  6. i'll say what and why.

    1.Blanket-Deserts can go down to -5 degrees F.

    2.Tent-For shade and a place to sleep.

    3.Gun-Lots of things out there that are able to poison you or kill you.

    4.Flint-To light a fire

    5.Wood-for flint to light so you can cook.

    6.Bandages-For cuts that could get infected.

  7. Lots of good books, some yarn & patterns for crocheting, an IPod with LOTS of batteries, my hand-held video poker game

  8. a survival knife...a ipod....a friend....sleeping bag....tent!!

  9. A light.

    A massive pack (Like 10 years worth) of batteries.

    A computer that has wireless internet connection so I can talk to people.

    A blanket.

    Books to keep me entertained.

    A tent.

  10. sunscrean, a large hat, a nice center console fishing boat fully rigged,  fins, a snorkle and mask

  11. you & the galpals!

    alcohol - lots of it

    f**s - lots of them

    lots and lots and lots of s**y s**y boys

    make up


    TOTALLY THE BEST ANSWER ******!!!!!!!!

    see you lateerz..

    x x x x

    p.s. [nostrils flaired]

    i'm the prettiest girl ever...


  12. toiletries,phone, luxury boat, choclate, a fan, spare pants

  13. id take my girlfriend who i love and adore instead of everything else including food and water

  14. A nice guy :)





    Mirror :P

  15. beer, hot broads, a boat, gas, clock, shovel

  16. my football wilson

  17. 1.sleeping bag

    2. a friend

    3. a boat

    4. a change of clothes

    5.a cup

    6. a plate

  18. Chapstick


    Hair elastic




  19. helicopter, fuel, sat nav, night vision goggles, 32" tv, xbox 360

  20. a boat

    my phone

    my best friend

    my ipod

    pepsi (:

    toilet roll (:

  21. gps, cellphone, ipod, laptop, camara, flashlight

  22. If there's food and water on the island, then it's not a "desert" island.  I think you meant to say "deserted" island.  It's a common mistake, over time slang has shortened the name.

    But you can't live on a "desert" island - there would be no water, and no trees, therefore no fruits or coconuts.

  23. 1) Boyfriend

    2) Ipod for when my boyfriend is annoying me ha ha

    3) Sweets

    4) Coke

    5) A good book

    6) My bed lol :)

  24. 1. Wind up radio

    2. A Football (soccer)

    3. Kate Moss - she always has cigarettes and doesn't eat much

    4. Distilation kit - constant supply of alcohol

    5. Jacuzzi

    6. Hammock

    No need to ever leave ; )

  25. A boat.

  26. Weed






  27. my home, sattelite, solar power, all my weapons, yatch, and most of all you!  ;~)

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