
What 9/11 information should I provide in a power point presentation to a sociology class?

by Guest64262  |  earlier

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Should I talk about FBI agent John O Neil, Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force, under President Reagan, and combat fighter pilot Col. Robert Bowman, chief of the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI $100,000 wire transfer to Mohamed Atta, Steven E. Jones, Ray McGovern... or anything else you can think of.

Robert M. Bowman

Steven E. Jones

John P. O'Neill

Ray McGovern

$100,000 wire transfer to Mohamed Atta

If you have good source for this I would be happy to get it.




  1. the video "in plane site" has a good description of the term "conspiracy theories". Its also a good starter for the discussions about the pentagon, towers,  etc.

    You can watch it on you tube.

    Also 9/11 coincidences has about 18 parts on  you tube covering all the topics.

  2. 1.) Bush's college buddy who brokered oil deals between the Saudi's and the Bush family.

    2.) Prior CIA support of Al Queda.

    3.) FBI heads up to CIA way before 911 ignored or discreted despite information detailed and the effects this had on the 911 Commission in terms of getting at the source of the blatant ignorance on behalf CIA and White House staff.

    4.) Adjacent tower Middle Eastern visitors and their kantian separation of a VHF radio and a laptop so as to propose they were not actively participating in ground support or the capture of critical information as it pertains to operations research within the world's best example of a seamless emergency response and traffic system.  (see Iraq after start of war and the ease by which American soldiers were being targeted.)

    5.) The approaching sonic boom, and subsequent explosion of a jet, just prior to the impact at the Pentagon and the information that discrets that it could have been a 747 flying so low and making so little damage.

    6.) The change in ownership of the WTC as well as the lapse in security detail that could have allowed mercs or gov agents to install thermite at critical locations within the WTC towers so as to provide a 'healthy' dispersal of toxins via prevailing air currents and quelling any fears or worries from the already traumatized public.

    7.) The political stance taken by Bush in declaring the Axis of Evil and the subsequent post 911 Middle Eastern Roadmap which heavily favored Israel.

  3. I would stay away from the physics of 9/11, unless you are a physicist. Stick with basic stuff that can be proven. Google these things"

    Bush stonewalled an official investigation. He finally relented after pressure from 9/11 widows the Jersey Girls.

    Bush first appointed war criminal Henry Kissinger to head the 9/11 Commission, but the Jersey Girls exposed conflict of interest with regards to his ties to the Bin Laden family. The rest of the 9/11 Commission were Bush appointees.

    Israeli spies were arrested on 9/11 but the information remains classified.

    Definitely mention Operation: Northwoods.

    Project For A New American Century was a document that called for "new Pearl Harbor event."

    Head of the 9/11 Commission Philip Zelikow wrote a document called "Catastrophic Terrorism" that pre-dated both WTC bombings.

    Mention the 2.3 TRILLION dollars that donald Rumsfeld admitted that was missing from the Pentagon on September 10, 2001, but was never mentioned again.

    You can also mention that on the FBI's website, Osama bin Laden is not wanted for 9/11 and that there is no physical evidence to link bin Laden to 9/11.

    You can also mention that Osama bin Laden is dead, and that he has been reported dead by FOX and by Egyptian press. You can also mention that some of the highjackers that died in 9/11 were reported as still being alive.

    Mention all the drills about flying planes into buildings on 9/11.

    If you want to talk about the psychology of 9/11 a great article to read is called "Apocalypse of Coercion" by Kevin Barret. It's also on Google video too.

    Here are some great links:

  4. People find the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 to be interesting even if they don't believe any of them.

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