
What A Levels Do I Have To Take To Get Accepted Into University To Study To Be A Primary School Teacher?

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i want to be a primary school teacher and have chosen to do English literature, english language, psychology, geography and biology when i go back in September. I know you have to have a C or above in english, maths and science GCSE, 2 a levels and a degree to be a teacher, but what A levels would universities be looking for when you want to study a teaching course?




  1. English for defiate - my sis has just done this

  2. They really won't care. Your spread sounds fine - the only extra thing you might consider doing is art (perhaps there's a club you can join?), because even if you're not a super artist primary school teachers do end up doing an awful lot of it :)

  3. More often than not, it is actually put down to UCAS points- it doesn't matter what subjects you take, as all A grades at A level will get X points, all B grades Y points etc. They may specify that you have taken a certain subject, but for something as broad as Primary School teaching I would doubt it.

    It is more likely specified when you are taking a certain subject, for instance a history degree might require a B at history A Level where taken.

    This is a list of all of the Primary Education courses, as well as those combined with other subjects. You can find the individual entry requirements on here:

    Or by requesting a prospectus from whatever university you are looking at by going onto their website, if you have chosen yet.

    For further help, this is the UCAS tarrif table, and the second link explains if if you have any trouble:

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