
What A-Levels do i need to study to do a degree in music?

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Helen M........... thanks for your answer i was thinking this myself, there isn't much you can do with a music degree. I will look into it. X




  1. Music. Everything else is irrelevant as long as you get enough UCAS points to get to the uni you want.

    Please, please don't take this the wrong way but are you sure you want to do a degree in music? It's the biggest regret of my life and I've spent 5 years paying back the debt I accumulated studying something worthwhile instead afterwards. Please only do this if you want to be a music teacher. Otherwise, if you want to perform - go to music college, if you don't - do something else.

  2. hey, yeah helen is right. i havn't done it personally but my old singing teacher did and she said the only thing it was good for was contacts (getting to know other musicians incase she needed them to play for her at gigs) she did singing though, but she told me not to do it for a career because its really hard. after it, you have to make your own way. my old singing teacher is now doing a jewellery course and working 2 jobs to earn a living and does a few gigs on the side every now and then.

    but em you'd probably only need music really. but if you'd want to do music literary or something like that then you'll need english or music history. depends what "music" you want to do :)

    good luck xx

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