
What A-levels...?

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What A-levels would be ideal for doing a teaching course (to become a primary school teacher) at university?




  1. You need core subject A levels - maths, english, history, geography, biology, art, music etc.  whatever you like or are good at.   Basically none of the rubbish ones - media studies, Mexican basket weaving, nose flute playing  etc.

    BTW if you can play the piano  - they would love you in Primary school!

  2. I would say English was be the major one you should choose and perhaps either maths or science at AS level. You can probably check with the uni's you are applying to which subjects they suggest you take.

  3. You will need Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which you can get from Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree, Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) or The Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP) to be a primary school teacher.

    As primary school teachers teach pretty much every subject, no specific A Levels would be needed. Just ensure that you have passes in your core subjects at GCSE. But sociology or psychology might be helpful... as well as child development perhaps?

    I would imagine unis would be more concerned about experience rather than specific subjects as well. So work experience placements at a primary school would be helpful in getting you on a good teaching course @ uni.
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