
What ACTUALLY happens if i don't have a student visa?

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I'm an American moving to France for school. The first semester is 4 months long. I get to France with just a one way ticket on August 26. I was only accepted to the university less than two weeks ago so don't have enough time to get a student visa from the consulate....SO, I was wondering what will REALLY happen to me if I don't get a student visa?

The last time I was in France my passport wasn't stamped until I LEFT so wouldn't that mean that they don't actually know when I arrived? If they asked couldn't I just be like, I just arrived a week ago?!

How about something else, I'm more than willing to get creative on the are there different laws if I enter into a different country and take a train to France or something like that?

Hit me with whatever you got! Thanks for your help!




  1. Entering a country illegally is a very bad idea.  I'm pretty sure there will be a way to get your student visa.  Also, a one way ticket will raise suspicions with customs.  You need to hurry and do some fact finding, you can probably apply for a student visa once you are there at the American Embassy.  Contact the school before you go and figure out what it is you need to do.  Since, I am assuming you will be there longer then just 4 months.

    Oh and what will happen if you get caught, the same thing that happens in every country, they will deport you.

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