
What ANL fuse would I need when using a 0 gauge for a powerfull car system?

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what ANL fuse would I need when using a 0 gauge for a powerfull car system?




  1. Why would you want to use an ANL fuse, much easier without, they just get in the way and add things that don't need to be there. d**n that ANL fuse

  2. Impossible to answer without knowing the amps you plan to use.  Essentially you want to add up the fuse ratings of all the amps you plan to use and find the appropriate ANL fuse that can accomodate the total without going too much higher.  Just as an example, if the total fuse ratings of your amps equaled 120A, you would want to look for a 125A ANL fuse and not a 200A ANL fuse.

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