
What About Remote Viewing?

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Okay I have to know. If you are not in some service which requires top secret information, what would you use remote viewing for in your personal life?




  1. Remote Viewing (or variations thereof) has been used to help with Archeology and is well documented,

    Anyone that actually takes the time to look for the information can find similar documentation in the literature for Remote Viewers (even in the military program) and other psychic means (like dowsing) being used to locate missing persons.


  2. To find my missing blue tooth for my phone.. did that...

    Use it on my computer problems all the time..

    Use it to figure out stuff..

    Use it too play chess agianst my Wife..she hates that...

    Every day ..any problem.. that has an answer that is the feedback...

    Use it while im driving...saved my self boo qoo dollars on tickets !!

    Every day I have something that rv has served me somehow !

    Truth so help me...

  3. To feel other people energy, auras , karma, previous lives, possible next lives outcome, to feel and see othere entities and other densities, to know how the things are wotkinh in side out to be able to walk trough life with open eyes, to meet new friends or awoid enemies and know when old ones are good or bad, born or dead, to see and feel other species no matter from where and when they are coming from to be bolder and smarter with informations received and to be able to spot other same as us or some that supose to get close and who can open eyes in near future (everyone actually can but so many do not believe and rather looking blind in daylight) to be in places imposible to visit and on the end to see the truth no matter what the truth actually looking like and how good is hidden, trust me real ones are not working for no secret service or armies, some armies tried but they did not get a lot, uniform system had and error box shaped army system is not working well with free mind and only free mind and body and not to forget fee soul can see.

    Wish you all to open eyes and to finaly be able to see.

  4. I can't outdo these other answers. WOW!  I would never have thought of all these uses. Hope Rviewer sees this question. This is the way my mind I could think of was some serial in Silence of the Lambs using it for evil. I guess most things are that way. There's a good use and a bad use. Just like psychics reading people's minds. Some people just want to spy on people and use it against them. Others use it for good purposes like solving crimes etc. Can't wait to see what others come up with. Glad I don't have to choose BA on this one!

  5. Maybe to travel to different exotic parts of the world or other planets.

    Or it could be very useful if you are paralized,  or in jail, or blind....those people would be able to get out of their physical confinements and travel and see things.

  6. Probably travel the world.

  7. Personal enrichment.

    Answering history's unanswered questions or at least getting a perspective on it.

    Ancient archeology is great fun to research.

    Creating new inventions with tools and materials that are available today. You know those Christmas ornaments that are self contained and have the replaceable battery that were all the rage last Christmas? I gave that idea away in a Remote Viewing forum two years before they were available.

    It is good for finding people 'not yet found' but dowsing is better.

    Just honing the skills brings spiritual enrichment. Often the meditation required to do remote viewing is very beneficial.

    Then of course if you ever wanted to know what the governments of the world are up to. You wouldn't get always get immediate feedback of course but at least you'd know.

    I love messing with the aliens, they don't much care for remote viewers, at all, because that is the only thing they are afraid of.

    Then on the extreme side there is Remote Influence, that is where you have to be pretty careful, because that link is a two way street and you might just get swatted.

    I've seen RV used to determine which medical procedure to be used. I've also seen RI used to help a child learn her math facts.

    Give me a minute and I'll give you another use.

  8. I would help find missing people.Maybe help out in mine disasters.Look for energy sources.In my spare time I'd find sunken treasure,help out Archaeologists and such.

    It's a wonder the remote viewers aren't doing this stuff.So many lost children,so little help from the paranormaly gifted.

  9. With any human skill, you have to be aware of what its capabilities are, and what its limitations are.  Remote viewing is no exception.  Some of its practitioners claim it can do things far beyond what is reasonable.  However, when you understand how it works, there are some very useful things you can do with it.  One group in England right now is experimenting with RV for medical diagnosis purposes, with some success.  Other folks are using remote viewing to improve success in investing.  Correctly applied associative remote viewing (ARV) is typically around 70% correct in predicting future outcomes, such as changes in stock, currency exchange or commodity prices.  All four ARV investment projects that I have been involved in, for example, made money, and there are several such ARV projects ongoing in the remote viewing community as we speak.  One of my ARV course graduates recently won the Texas Pick-3 Lottery twice out of around 15 tries, after getting two of the three numbers correct eight times.  Given that there is statistically 1 in 1,000 odds of winning the Pick-3 even once just by chance, that is a huge statistical success (not to mention financially rewarding, LOL!).  RV has been used successfully to make archaeological discoveries (read Stephan Schwartz's well-documented book "The Alexandria Project" for some examples), and continues to be.  And there are various projects afoot to use it to explore historical events.  

    But traditional uses for remote viewing are still viable, too, such as trying to locate missing persons or items (the addition of dowsing can help improve success here, as well) or collect intelligence – and not always in support of government or military, but also law enforcement or business.  But there are two challenges to that: 1) Making sure the remote viewers involved really know what they’re doing (there are many out there who claim expertise based only on a weekend course), and 2) Convincing potential users or clients that remote viewing is worth giving a try.  Sometimes 1) and 2) conflict – such as, a client taking a risk and hiring a weekend-warrior RV’er, who fails...and the client then concludes that RV doesn’t work because an inexperienced RV’er claimed too much and couldn’t deliver.  As with anything, caution and due diligence is always advised, but remote viewing can be very rewarding, financially and otherwise.

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