
What Activities Can I do for youngs kids ages 4-10???

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I babysit these boys ranging from 4-10 years old and we have done everything we can think of that keeps them entertained...board games, arts crafts etc...what can you recomend that will be really fun for them!??!?? =)




  1. Make finger puppets with the children. Cut the ends off the fingers of old gloves. Draw faces on the fingers with felt tip markers, and glue on yarn for hair.

    Have the children look for bugs. How many different kinds of bugs can he find? Size? Color?

    cereal boxes..not empty  

    plain paper or brown paper bags

    art supplies





    Have the kids cover the front, back, and sides of a cereal box with plain paper or pieces of a brown paper bag. Then provide plenty of crayons, markers, pieces of scrap paper, scrap felt, cotton, various recycled materials, and glue so your kids can add funny faces. For example, they can use cereal peices from the not so empty box, recycled plastic bottle caps and milk jug caps for eyes, a folded triangle of paper or cardboard for a nose, and sections of plastic lids for ears. Cotton from vitamin bottles can be added for hair or beards.

    Hope these kids have fun with them!

  2. make a soap box truck

    Prep Time: Under 1 hour

    What you need:  

      Small, noncorrugated cardboard box

    Acrylic paint and brushes



    Craft wire

    4 black buttons

    2 beads

    Toy figure

    Seasons: Rainy day, Year round

    Materials: beads, buttons, cardboard, paints, wire


    1. Paint the box with acrylic paints, or turn the box inside out and reseal the seams with double-sided tape. Set the box upright on one of its longer edges so that the box top becomes the front of the truck.

    2. Then, cut away the upper corner of the truck front and glue closed the lower portion. This provides a place for the driver (a toy figure) to sit.

    3. To attach wheels, insert a piece of craft wire through one side of the truck and out the opposite, positioning the wire an inch in from the back of the truck and as near to the truck floor as possible. Slip each end of the wire axle through one of the holes in a black button, and bend the tips to keep them from sliding back through. Use the same method to attach a second set of wheels just behind the driver's seat.

    4. Finally, glue on a set of bead headlights.

  3. do a work out session...most kids around that age think it is fun to try to do aerobics type work outs :)  Get an old cheesy video of a workout and let the try to mimic it...they will think it is fun an funny and get some good ol fashioned exorcise LOL

    Good luck!

  4. There is this cool activity I used to play:Frozen T-shirts. Its a pretty cool competition. You put folded up T-shirts in the freezer and let it "freeze". Then take it out, it will be all stiff. Have them "unstiff" it and first one to put it on wins!

  5. being now 13 i enjoyed outdoor activities like tag, catch or going to a local park with some freinds

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