
What African American politicians would you support for President?

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I've been seeing a few more of the posts on here about, if you're not supporting Obama, then you must be racist.

So, out of curiousity, which African American would you really like to see run for President? And no fair saying Colin Powell. That one's too easy. :) Also, no fair picking Obama either. It's my questions; I get to make up the rules.

I'll start. I've always been a big fan of J.C. Watts. Too bad he left politics and decided to have a career outside of Washington.




  1. If you don't support an african you must be a racist?


    well call me whatever you want as you are an idiot

  2. me

  3. I  support Obama not because the color of his skin but because he is a demarcate and he have the best polices to take this country forward . It's only the racist white idiots like you  who want to make this election about race , get a dam life  .

  4. Thomas Sowell (althought he's not a politician, he's a great conveyor of ideas, very smart, accomplished, wise, and principled)

    Others I don't know much about, but may consider down the road if I liked their philososhpy of government and life, are Michael Steele and Lynn Swann.  I think they both lost gubernatorial elections recently.

    It's funny how liberals will assume your a racist if you don't support a liberal minority candidate.  

    But when the shoe is on the other foot and the minority candidate is a conservative, they don't support him or her.  To this day, I think most black people don't like Clarence Thomas...but the same people who are called racist because they don't like Obama, love Justice Thomas (who by the way, is blacker than Obama).

  5. Carol Channing.

  6. Condi rice would have my vote

  7. Charles Barkley I know he as talked about running and I think he has some interesting ideas.  

  8. Since Colin Powell is too easy I pick Alan keys and Condi.

  9. condoleeza rice...

    h**l if bill cosby ever ran..regardless of party, hes got my vote

    he tells it how it is..

  10. well there is really no choice why does he have to be black if i said what white dude would you like to see run i would be a racist so any way my pick would be oj simpson

  11. I'm black and I honestly don't care about race. I'm voting for Obama because of his views and party affiliation, not his race. It would be wonderful to have a black president, but I will not vote for Condoleezza Rice if she were to run just because she's black. Any candiadte(black,white etc.) must be a Democrat with Democratic views to get my vote.

  12. C. Rice


  14. Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, Farrakhan and all the other  street conner bible thumpers who believe their elected politicians.

  15. Vote Joe Biden instead of Palin, Joe Biden is a man with 26 year of experience,compared to a Palin whose governed a state as long as mccain has been campaigning

  16. J.C. Watts

    Colin Powell

    Condi Rice

    Alan Keys

    Thomas Sowell

    Armstrong Williams

      All great Americans with superior moral, ethical and family values who ANY of them would make a fine president and I would be proud to vote for.

  17. Colin Powell

    he's the only one that I can think of right off the top of my head.  Sorry

    Obama is history

  18. You took my answer, JC Watts. An awesome conservative. Maybe Condoleeza Rice.

  19. I don't choose who I support politically by the color of their skin, their sexual orientation or their religion.

    I choose them based on what they can do for me and the country.

  20. You're so transparent.  You're asking for people to say who they would vote for, then say they can't choose Powell.  

    You invalidate yourself.  Ba-bye.  

  21. Harold Ford, Jr.

    Condoleezza Rice

  22. Neil DeGrasse Tyson would be a great politician. He could get kids excited about science.

  23. anyone but Obama.

  24. Michael Jackson :)............. um ..sorry but i dont know any other politician thats african american that is thinking of running for president in the next 4 years besides Obama...................

  25. Condi!  Woo hoo!

  26. Condi Rice. I wanted her to run really bad. I even dreamed of her running VP with McCain. She is my top choice for President in all fields.  <3

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