
What Am I Doing Wrong???

by  |  earlier

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All my friends have boyfriends. I haven’t had a boyfriend since the fifth grade. Now you can see something’s wrong here. I shower everyday, I shave, I work out, and I take care of my skin. I don’t know why I can’t catch a break. I want a boyfriend to wrap his arms around me and be sweet and kind to me. I want him to like me for who I am but it seems there isn’t a true gentleman here at my school. I’m not a prissy, priss who gets her hair and nails done every other week. I love adventure. I dirt bike ride and I love to go tubing at the lake. I like to cam, fish, and go to the movies. I am an animal lover and I love to go out and eat. What is wrong with me? I have a couple of guy friends but no boyfriends. I need help. If you can figure out what’s wrong with me or an easy way to get a guy. I need serious help. I think maybe a guy’s opinion would help but the answer is up for grabs. Thanks so much!




  1. Don't try to hard love if find you and don't forget there will be break up and make up.

    P.S. i have same prob. but, i will wait for my true love i have not had a boy friend since 5th grade either  

  2. just step up your game, flirt with a guy you like, show him you want him but play hard to get.

  3. awwww...absolutely nothing is wrong with you!!!!! you will find a good guy someday dont worry!! my friend has had the same problem her entire life and she is 23 and just now starting to date....thats not necessarily a bad thing!! sometimes guys in hs are not the best anyway!! =) best wishes to you hun!! keep your head up high and dont think so badly of yourself!!

  4. There is nothing wrong with you, you just want a boyfriend because everyone else around you has one, but don't worry the right guy will come along soon. Oh and id you really want guys to notice you or something like that, be more of a flirt, guys tend to notice flirty girls a more.

  5. One - You are too good for a guy. I am sure despite your dirt bike and so forth you are prim and principled. I would keep away from you.

    Two - Guys sense you would be serious love, and many are not ready just yet or afraid.

    Three - The two guys you hang out - probably both of them would love having their arms around you but they are cautious and nice.

    Four - You have too strong a personality for every Tom d**k & Harry but someone with your patent  would see through you and share the same intensity type of BF you are talking about.  

    Try and make friends with a  serious sportsman.  

  6. in all honesty... i firmly believe that dating occurs when you believe you have found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. as in commitment, and marriage.

    personally, i have never had a boyfriend for my whole life and ive seen all my friends engage in relationships only coming out hurt. (im a junior in high school)

    yes we all want the need to feel loved and needed, but we can be loved and needed when we're there for our friends. i promise your time will come. but its not just yet. wait until college. that's when you are able to decipher the mature from the immature.

    at this age, boys really dont know what they want at all. and when boys enter a relationship, all they really want is making out, attention, same as girls, but they dont know what they're getting into. a relationship requires a lot of responsibility for both the boy and the girl. but since he is "the man" he must learn to take on everything for the both of you.

    hopes this helps! godspeed.

  7. You have a problem with your self, and that is you do not consider what other girls do to get a guy. You have to learn to know how to flirt ,and how to make out with a guy,in order to have a boyfriend.Just being clean is not enough, you have to know all the techniques how to get a guy attracted to you, and best of all is to know all the facts of life,knowing this, will make your self esteem high and your self confidence well tempered, and by  your contention you will get very popular with guys, and be able to get the best one for you.

  8. join a club within your interests (animals lovers maybe?) and wait till you find a guy you can share common grounds with, dont settle for whoever talks to you, i know you want a boyfriend but doing that will only lead to regretting it later

  9. you honestly seem like an awesome girl, but just from what you have written here you seem too clingy. a guy can often pick up on this and it scares them to think someone can take it as serious as this. relax and go with the flow and it will come you do not need to rush it.

  10. there's nothing wrong with you.

    you sound like you're in either middle or high school. the right guy is out there waiting for you. you will find a guy that likes you for who you are and shares common interests. so dont worry. and i bet your friends relationships wont even work out, there all superficial relationships. yeah and independent.

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