
What American candy should I bring for New Zealand and Australia host families?

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I'm a Californian going to New Zealand and Australia with the People to People Student Ambassador program and I be having two home stays, one in each country. I would like to bring a large variety of American candy over to share with my host families but I'm not sure what is best to bring. I've looked online but it hasn't been much help. So far I've come up with Tootsie Rolls, Lifesavers, Jolly Ranchers, Mike and Ikes, Lemon Heads, and salt water taffy. Any ideas on what other candy I should bring that preferably won't melt in my suitcase?




  1. peanut butter cups.

  2. Best not to take any food products.

    Customs will probably confiscate and destroy them.

    Bring some other gifts that are relevant to your area.

  3. why couldnt you bring food through customs.... that kindof defeats the idea of a duty free shop.

  4. My Aussie friends love Sees Candy's and you can pick them up at the airport.    Baffles me, but they love them.

  5. don't bring any. they want to be healthy

  6. Reese's peanut butter cups! (as long as your host family doesn't have anyone allergic to nuts)

  7. I'm from NZ and i went to LA last yr and i had a bit of american candy but none of it really stood out for me, except for Ice Breakers chewing gum! me and i mum loved it and sadly we can;t get it in NZ, as for Aussie i just asked my friend who lives there if they have it, and he said hes never heard of them so you migth wanna get some for your aussie home stay aswell.

    Too bad i'm not your NZ host family:P i really want to have that chewing gum again lol. But yeah consider to get them maybe a few of those both the cubes and strips. :]

  8. skittles, laffy taffy, bubble gum, sour patch kids, bit o' honey, baby bottle pops, push pops, and twizzlers!!

    And by the way, tootsie rolls and other chocolates can melt unless you don't freeze them, but they probably have to be ice cold because that flight is gonna be long.  you should try and ask a flight attendant can you store the chocolate candy in their fridge.  im sure they wont mind.

    if this didn't help, try this website; it has every type of candy and can probably help you way more than i can...

    Have a great trip, and hopefully the candies you choose aren't something they have already; candy does sell worldwide.

  9. my dad went to Las Vegas for a business conferance n 2005 and he braught me home a big box of Jolly Rnachers and...i forget what they were called exactly...'Fruit Gushers' or something like that.....I WAS ADDICTED TO THEM...and I cant buy them here in Aus!!

    you can bring it through customs as its a processed and packaged product that doesnt contain much natural ingredients in it......they let lollies in easy....just declare it on you form or you get into huge trouble.

    Hope you enjoy your big trip.....Joly Ranchers and Fruit Gushers!!!

  10. Last I knew you could bring candy in as long as it was processed and not home made.Just make sure it is still in its original packaging and declare that you have food on the customs form you have to fill out before you land.

    I always wanted a Hershey bar

  11. But candy should be ok because its really just sugar and lots of preservatives. I think customs only really confiscates items that are of natural or plant material as they can easily spread disease etc. Organisms will have a hard time hiding in candy.

    I have brought candy in from China and customs was fine with it.

  12. the best american candy are reeses peanut butter cups...however these might melt in your suit case... but if you carry them in your hand bag they shouldn't

  13. Hi.  Sorry to rain on your parade, but there aren't many American things that we can't buy here.  It's a nice thought, though.  Maybe you could bring them some souvenirs from Yellowstone Park or the Grand Canyon: something uniquely American that we haven't already got.  Better still, something you made yourself, but not food:- that wouldn't be allowed through Customs.

    You're going to have a great time here, I'm sure.  [I live in Melbourne, Aust].

    EDIT: To the poster below: don't you know you're not allowed to bring ANY food through Customs?!

  14. I don't think you need to bring any candy... it's a bit of a brown nose thing to do.  Don't expect anyone to get excited and be really grateful for a bag of sweets.  The most appreciated gift would be for you to bring home a bottle of booze and a bunch of flowers for your host parents at some point during your stay.  If you are not old enough to buy booze, maybe treat them to a meal up the leagues club or RSL.

    ps - we have life savers and peanut butter cups in oz.

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