
What American product would someone from Germany like to have?

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I'm visiting my Aunt & Uncle in Frankfurt Germany in two weeks. Are there any items from America that someone from Germany would really like to have? I would appreciate any suggestions in what type of gift to bring them. Thank you, in advance, for your help!




  1. If you can find something specific to where you live that's a little unusual, that'd be perfect.  It really is a global world anymore, though, so there isn't much there that you can't get here  and vice versa.

    I do remember that in the past, when we sent packages to relatives, my mom frequently included a jar of apple butter, and seem to recall that was a big hit. :o)   Otherwise, when I've traveled recently, I've left local souvenir-type stuff from my hometown as a small thank you -- a small photo book, etc.  I'm from Indianapolis, so coffee mugs & key chains from the Motor Speedway have been a hit.)

    Really tho, look for something neat, and local...

  2. I like cooking American for my friends, who think that American cuisine consists of burgers, fries and Coke. So they get kind of surprised when I whip out my recipes.

    Are your Aunt and Uncle German? I guess they've been to the US sometimes. Why don't you just ask your parents what you think they would like?

    Have fun in Germany!

  3. Actually this is pretty difficult these days since we live in a globalized world. Even Ben and Jerry is ownder by a European company  - smile  and Hersheys has big factories in Germany, Actually I just got Hersheys chocolate that was made in Germany at my local drugstore here in NYC.

    So anything "local" is great - a beautiful calendar, book, mug ..whatever.

  4. Anything with peanut butter will be good.

    Especially baby ruths, and reeses ;) they are soooo goood

    you might want to bring oreos aswell !

  5. I would maybe recommend something that is local and special to your region and area as a product.

    Like in Vermont I would bring Maple syrup and cheese. I could not bring Ben & Jerry's Ice cream of course lol.

    I find that getting something that is special to your area is always good especially if it can be used for smell, or eating, something that will also have some form of entertainment or value beyond dust collecting LOL.

    Have fun on your trip. I have even brought Hershey bars before because their chocolate IMO is better and  I wanted to compare an average American chocolate bar versus a Milcka Shocolade bar.

    I am sure what ever you do will be excepted warmly.

  6. Two big hits for me have always been Levis (they are apparently cheap here) and liquor -- usually something like Jim Beam. Brownie mix -- they don't really have anything like it!

    Non-food wise is trickier. Ask them if there is a particular TV show/cd they might like (if they can play region 1 dvds, that is!), maybe see if your aunt likes any particular US makeup brands/fragrances. Oh, cigarettes are usually a big hit, too, but only with Germans who are smokers, obviously :D

  7. Heres what you do make a gift basket with these things Reeses, Beef jerky, Kool aid ,winter green Gum .Grape bubble gum, Asprin a big bottle, Pop tarts, Brownie mix muffin mix, Butter fingers ,

  8. The thing you still can't get here: Krafts Maccaroni and cheese! As well as Maple Leaf sirup and Marshmellows. Also a good barbecue sauce ist hard to find. Or American white bread. :-)

    So much about food.

    If you search, you can find almost everything on the net. It is only a question, how familiar your Uncle and Aunt are with the net? There are still people who don't use it.

    Best bet would be to know them both and bring something they like for their favourite past time.

  9. Potato chips, Cheetoes, Doritos, Fritos are snack foods that are hard to find in Germany.  Though they do have similar snack foods, they are different from the American versions.  Nuts (cashews, macademias) are very expensive in Germany and sold in small boxes/bags.  If you bring a large can, I am sure that your Aunt/Uncle will be happy with them and think that you spent a small fortune on them.  A large can of nuts, if you could find one in Germany, would cost a small fortune.  I have heard of Germans bringing frozen steaks from the US, but I would be worried that customs there won't let you bring in meats. Canned meats would probably be ok, but I am not sure what they'd think of Spam.

  10. Articles.  Anything American.  A lady fell in love with my Harley-Davidson leather cap.  They also like Cowboy hats and American T-shirts.  Buy whatever is trendy in America...wrap it up...and bring it!!!

    Food. Ding-dong and husband loves those!!!!

    And my German friends love coffee-cake, Oreos, and doughnuts.

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