
What Are 3 causes of Global Warming?

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  1. 1) Anthropogenic (Human-induced) pollution

        This includes pollution from cars, livestock farming, industries- all of them use lots of fossil fuels and emit A LOT of carbon dioxide and methane

    2) Natural Cycle- the Earth has gone through cycles of warming and cooling throughout it's 4.6 billion year life.  Carbon dioxide levels have oscillated up and down, though never rising above 300 ppm (until present day)

    3) Greenhouse Effect- Sunlight comes into the Earth as light, and the Earth emits that light energy as heat.  Sometimes, during certain weather conditions (i.e. cloudy) light comes in, but heat does not leave, making the Earth warmer.  Also, the polar ice caps, because of its color, reflect almost 90% of the light that the Sun gives Earth.  The less polar ice there is, the more heat that the Earth will generate, causing the Earth's temperature to rise.

  2. Us, Us, and oh yeah US

  3. green house gases caused by

    1 - burning fuel.

    2 - methane from digestion/rotting

    3 - cutting and burning of forests

    Mostly by America.

  4. The fundamental cause of the anthropogenic contribution to global warming is overpopulation.  This drives increased use of fossil fuels and deforestation, the two leading causes of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.  Humans also cause increased release of other greenhouse gases, such as methane, by agricultural practices such as growing rice and raising cattle.

  5. There's only one cause...that's the sun.

    Some factors that increase the effect here on Earth are:

      greenhouse gasses(carbon dioxide, methane, etc.)

      excessive cloud cover

      deforestation(more open land means less shade, ie. the

       surface area of sunlight absorbant material shrinks)

    Hope that helps!

  6. Here are 4 sites that should provide all of the information you need.

  7. hot air from airheads

  8. pollution, greenhouse gasses and...umm...i forget the last one.

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