
What Are Most Guys Thinking When Checking A Girl Out?

by  |  earlier

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And why do some guys just continue to stare even after you've caught them! Is it a compliment?




  1. we want you

  2. I don't think I need to tell you what guys are thinking when they look at you. If they continue to look, they want to see how you'll react. Smile at the guy and keep going. Yes, it's definitely a compliment.

  3. s*x

  4. I'd like to take HER out to dinner.

    By take her out to dinner, I mean dunk the donut.

    and by dunk the donut, I mean have s*x with her.

    And by s*x, I mean use my peen on her.

    And by peen I mean staple remover.

    And by staple, I mean virginity.


  5. Nothing exactly, it lasts for a second until reality continues.

    The feelings aren't in the mind, but more from the heart.

  6. I would like to know

  7. Are you sure they arent thinking that your gross?

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