
What Are Rules & Customs of Fancy Dining?

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I'd like to know: What to wear, how much to tip, what utensils to use.....Is food ordered the same as in regular resturaunts? Do we HAVE to make reservations? Can we request seating at a certain spot? What napkins do we use?

Basically all the things so my honey and I don't look like morons. :)




  1. I've learned not to get into a burping contest with your friends dad at your friends bat mizzvah

  2. Men should wear a button up shirt and slacks at the least, women can vary from a decent cocktail dress to a nice dress blouse and slacks/skirt.

      You should call and make reservations at least two weeks  prior to the event, and depending on the restaurant you can request seating.

       When you are seated, you pick up the napkin either sitting on your plate or to the side of it, unfold it halfway and place it  across your lap.

       Food is ordered the same depending on whether you want an appetizer, salad, etc.

       When adding in the gratuity, customarily it is 15% but in a finer restaurant 20% is better, including the total from your bar tab.

       When using utensils, the best rule is to start from the outside and work your way in. Just a hint: salad forks generally have fewer tine than an entree fork!

      For more help, this link works great!

  3. I do know, that if you cut up all your meat at once it is frowned apon. Also don't rest your elbows on the table. Enjoy your fancy dinner!

  4. Act like you beling there, because you do. Reservations will help you get a table when you arrive instead of killing time in the bar waiting for an available table. If you don't like the table you're given, ask the host/hostess for another - you don't have to give a reason. Fine dining establishments will have linen napkins and the waiter will place it on your lap for you. If you drop something on the floor, do not pick it up.

    Be sure to tip your waiter, sommelier, (wine server) and car valet.

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