
What Are Safe Ways For Women To Protect Themselves?

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What are safe ways for women to protect themselves? And what weapons are we allowed to carry? Are we allowed to carry pepper spray, a bat, or a knife for protection?

There have been a few times when I didn't feel safe out in public. One time at the store, a guy was standing really close to me while I was trying to purchase items at a Walmart. When I stepped back for a moment, he was right on me. The cashier looked scared too. Everyone stayed quiet. I covered the keypad with my other hand while making the transaction, but I was so afraid of him that after the cashier gave my bag to me that I ran all the way to my car. Another male employee told me to be careful as I made my way out of the store. I really don't see how I could be safe or had enough time to call the police if he had snatched me up. Running was my only option.




  1. The best thing is to always have your husband or bf accompany you.

    A woman went out grocery shopping. Her lazy bf stayed at home and watched football. She was kidnapped and murdered in the most brutal way. It was so brutal that one of her victimizers killed himself later, out of a guilty conscience.

    If you have a man in your life and he refuses to go with you everywhere, he is not a responsible or loving person. In this world of crime, we cannot afford to take chances.

    Don't think of guns right away. A gun is only as efficient as its user. If there is a scuffle about it, both people will shoot as soon as they get control of the gun, which means that every confrontation will be fatal, and not necessarily in favor of the user if he/she doesn't use it successfully.

  2. Learn self defense.  Carry mace.

  3. If you have a Concealed Weapons Permit, you can carry a gun, but you have to apply for a permit, and provide a valid reason for having one.

    Guns aside, pepper spray is perfectly legal, and so is any form of physical combat.

    You can carry a knife with you, but it can't be a switchblade (ones that pop-out when you press a button), those are illegal.

    You can carry a bat around, but you'll look quite strange o.O, and I doubt anyone will attack you if you have a bat anyways.

  4. Pepper spray or mace is a great alternative if you don't have a concealed carry permit.  You should check this out:

  5. remember the three N's   nose's  (k)nee's, and nuts!!!! nose wll blur vision, if hit right can darn near kill one,  knees kick at knee cap, forcing knee backwards, and well the last one    need i say.....

  6. 1) Common sense - avoid putting yourself into situations where you are vulnerable.

    2) Defensive training, including weapons training

    3) A very large gun.  The biggest one you can handle effectively.

  7. Well you already did one of the most important things. You were aware of your surroundings. Good job! And in addition to that if you ever feel uncomfortable don't hesitate to ask for an employee to walk you to your car. Pepper spray is a good choice however it is useless in your purse so if you ever feel that funny feeling that you are in a bad situation.. have it in your hand.  

  8. Hold your keys in your fist with the pointiest one sticking out the pinky end.  You have the most strength holding them that way instead of with keys between each of your fingers.  Contact your PD find out what RAD or women's defense courses they have.  Don't leave the store, make up a reason to see the manager.  Wait for the police where you are safe with other people.  Don't be embarrassed  - it is better then being hurt.  

  9. i usually make my wife carrie either

    on fridays her .40 cal

    saturdays her 357 snubby

    sundays her .380

    mondays her .9mm

    tues through thursday her .38

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