
What Are Some Good Jobs For People With Asperger's?

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My brother is 23, intelligent, and has Asperger's. Any ideas are appreciated.




  1. Starting with strengths and interests is the smartest way to begin.  What does your brother excel at and enjoy most?  Most likely, work in that area is where he will do best.  As for anyone, his biggest challenge is getting his foot in the door.  He is at a disadvantage if he can't hold eye contact, but he will have to work on it or ways around it.  Otherwise, he should do fine.  I work with an Auspie, btw.  He's a computer programmer and one of the highest paid people in the company.

  2. Most folks with Asperger's are found in highly technical jobs, often involving math or science.  These are usually jobs where they can work independently as they are often uncomfortable with others.  They do poorly in customer service and sales jobs because they often misinterpret social cues and, as a result, make social blunders.

  3. Public speaker, technical phone support, order taker.

    lol wut

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